Is my dick small b?

Is my dick small b?

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no its quite large actually

depends how big your body is

yeah white boy with tiny picker

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It's sexy

It looks fairly thick but a bit short. Lots of people prefer girth over length and for me, anything big enough to suck is fine. Not sure if you wanted to hear that from a faggot or not but I think your dick is fine

op here, i just measured and im 3.9 long and 3.2 girth, isnt the avg white guy like 6.5?

Avg is 5.5 in length and 4.5 for girth. Sorry m8 yours is pretty small, but it’s cute and I’d suck it.

It's small. Sorry bud.

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do penis pumps work or am i just stuck like this

you're stuck like that.

ouch, you should probably get it over with and light yourself on fire, nobody is going to find that satisfying

>nobody is going to find that satisfying
I would

bruh, mine is 4.5x4.5 and it's minuscule, wtf

Penis pumps work if you use them every single day for the rest of your life. But it’s possible to cause damage to the tissue from extended use. Work with what you got, use your mouth and fingers.


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got a pic?
gf mentioned it was on the smaller side

anyone can use mouth and fingers.

let's face it, dickless like op and myself have no right to waste a woman's time. why settle for a guy who can eat you and finger you right when you can get a complete man just as easily?

gf wants me to get a dick sleeve

>got a pic?

I took one not long ago and it was kind of funny. dudes with normal dicks ignore it and dudes with small dicks bitch about it being normal

Take the BBC pill.

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Not if your 10 years old

Jeez guess you’re right guess you should just bottom for gay dudes.

No seriously though, sure anyone can use their mouth or fingers, but just like fucking with your dick, you can be better at it than others. I’ve also met guys who I wouldn’t fuck cause they were too big, but I’ll always suck a dick, big or small. Keep your head up

if you have a girl, u should do anything u can to keep her. sure, one of those may be humiliating but is that or some big-dick nigger... ur choise

no thanks, I'm a cuck but only for big white cocks

should i try cuckoldry out? shes expressed interest in it before

I'd do it in a heartbeat but that's depend on you. not many men can fathom the idea.

I have a 13 cm cock. I have a beautiful girl with me. Big boobs, nice ass. I make her cum like crazy. Is not only the dick but the technique and how pervert you are and how pervert you let her be comfortable

Accept your fate user. Obviously women have varying preferences on size and girth and it is possible someone will settle for you. At least temporarily. The moment you find her dildo and realize you're'll need to decide if making her happy makes your happy.

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thanks for making me less self conscious m8 lmaoooo

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13cm is not that bad