Meet a cute shy awkward weeb girl on soc

>meet a cute shy awkward weeb girl on soc
>get to know her intimately and start feeling things
>spend every waking hour with her in call
>play comfy games everyday like stardew valley with her
>we're officially dating albeit long distance
>invite her to my discord server
>introduce her to my friends
>she slowly starts to grow distant
>will ask about her day and get one word responses
>realize that she's been spending a lot of time in a private channel with a "friend" of mine
>wondering if i should just kill myself

i really need help guys, i need someone to talk to on discord XjkW7kt

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no female is worth killing yourself over

Dubs of truth, she never deserved you

lol you got baited
bitch was a slut anyway, just move on and find another

Why kill yourself when you can kill your friend and the bitch? They're the ones causing problems.


It might sting deep but no bitch is worth offing yourself over.

dubs of truth

been there but never had my 'online gf' stolen from me we still talk but no longer 'online dating'

What a fucking loser, stop being a fucking cucklord Jesus fucking Christ dude. She's not worth your time if I think what you think she's doing. You're better than this

Fuck that bitch king. Billions of women at least 3 of them must be loyal

plenty of fish in the water, get over it. Killing yourself over a girl would be fucking retarded.Jack one off and you'll forget about her.

Get a job. If you have time to spend messing around, you're wasting your youth building a career or skill. Atleast join gaming competition and win prizes. You have nothing to offer to society.

>online girlfriend
>private channel with my friend
Jesus fucking retarded children, you should consider that viable option.

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Preach user

Hol up, you can meet girls... on the Chan?!


i was more or less in the same situation, just IRL, tldr he got a broken nose and she was told to fuck off

user, consider this from her (their) angle. If she does this to you, then in all likelihood - she will do the same to other guys she transiently attaches to. It's either an attachment disorder or immaturity. Either way, that's not on you and not something you want to associate with.

That's dating, user. You go around hurting other people (and get hurt), until you find out and fix your shit, or grow up. The trick is to find it within yourself to move on and continue searching and learning - and not be stagnant in your butthurt. Even if you don't have another e-they lined up, or feel lucky enough to have fooled this one into liking your sperg self for a while, you move on. You don't cling and continuously try to get her to talk. Just ask her what's up, decide if she's a cunt or whatever, and move on in a mindset of positivity.

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Go outside

Never introduce females to your friends.

user don’t think of the problem but about the solution of the problem.
So go get rid of them because they are the problem


One of better discord server ads I've seen

Tard went full ham on an internet person, your advice is solid but not applicable here.

i was in your exact situation, got out of it literally minutes ago.
even if you do manage to keep her around/get her to stop, it'll happen again. don't make the mistake i made; gtfo.
she ain't the one, user!

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Don't put women on a pedestal. It's the worst mistake young men tend to make. Most people are shitty - don't off yourself. Find something that gives you a bit of joy on this weird world we live.

its an old saying but a good one my friend. Bitches aint nothing but hoes and tricks. I know it feels like she is the only woman in the world, but i can guarantee you there is a shitload more pussy out there. Go get yourself some.

this, user preaches truth. whores will always whore and OP fell for the trap like a dipshit. learn from your mistakes and don't be dumb next time.

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Dude you did it to yourself. I've been there, def not worth. She's just some dumb slut that wants as much attention as possible. Put her nudes in your server and block her on everything, she's nothing.


read and learn

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