How do you specifically feel about people that kill themselves ?

how do you specifically feel about people that kill themselves ?

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proud/satisfied. They had the courage to do what a great many people should do, but can't find the strength to.

I feel like they are dead.

stupid. like "i'm so dumb i have to put myself out of my own misery" stupid.

I kind of understand. I don't blame them.


Don't think enough do.

I'm pro choice on it, if someone wants to end their life then its their choice as long as they dont try to take someone with them.

feels weird to mourn cause they got what they wanted but I do anyway. Always a little disappointed too, it's kind of a cowards way out

Yeah it takes a lot of effort to physically/mentally do it but it's an escape, raw and simple

I feel angry & upset. But I also understand what it’s like to feel suicidal.

In rare cases like when pedophiles/rapists kill themselves I feel relieved or even happy.

I dont know this feel, I'm a diagnosed sociopath


I understand it.

May be a coincidence but I was giving it a thought in the afternoon and maybe life is the only right that is also an obligation, the others are choices... e.g freedom of speech: you have the right to speak out your mind as long as it is legal (not injury or diffamation) but it doesn't mean that you have to give your opinion to everything and everyone.

With life you don't have a choice. You don't choose your life and its circumstances.

The real right to live includes the right to die.

jesus christ that is a tiny fucking dick

People have as much to a right to death as they do to life.

why are they dumb for not wanting to play the game anymore?

spotted the incel porn addict

Absolute disappointment.
Why kill yourself when you can do a mass shooting
and kill the subhuman filth of this world (aka junkies, niggers, muslims, hobos, filthy rich kids, etc...)
and then blow your brains out????
I seriously can't understand this people.

Penis size is relative, stop obsessing over it. The same as women's tits, people that REALLY REALLY care about it have weird insecurities and hangups.

Back in the day I'd feel sad, but the fact of the matter is that in my early adult years I became aware of just how many people die in a given day and the rekt threads that spring up around here also really desensitized me to the whole thing.

Not suicide necessarily, just death in general.

I say all that because at the end of the day I just don't feel anything for some random person committing suicide out in the billions of other people on the planet.

How could I? I've never met them. I've never gained any rapport with them.

If it were an acquaintance? Yeah I'd be bummed.
A friend or family? Devastated.
But that's just par for the course, really. You read about some guy getting their house broken into and their shit stolen and you vicariously read along and 15 minutes you've forgotten it largely and moved on with your day.

If it's *your* shit that got stolen from your house? Well then it's an emotional roller coaster then now isn't it?

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I used to think suicide was an okay choice until my best friend tried killing himself with an overdose of anti depressants and alcohol a few years back.
That retarded nigger called me just before losing consciousness and I had to run outside my house at 1 am, found him unconscious in his car and called an ambulance, basically saving his life.
When he woke up 2 weeks later, he didn't even fuckin' thank me until 2 years later.
Now I'm convinced that a lot of people who kill themselves just believe to be completely alone despite actually having people who care for them.
I have absolutely no respect for someone who gives up on life, when it's so damn easy to improve yourself through many different ways(working out, studying, hobbies); people who fall into depression are nothing but lazy people who refuse to improve.
You only have one shot at life anyways, may as well give it your best, right?

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weak fucks who can't deal with their problems, no sympathy

> it's so damn easy to improve yourself
the fuck it is. you've obviously never had depression or any other mental illness
>people who fall into depression are nothing but lazy people
fuck you dude, you don't have a fucking clue

I went through depression around the end of highschool and had been depressed for 3 years, it was tough, but once I actually started working out and trying to improve shit, my mental health also incredibly improved. Depression is nothing but a state of mind, and I'm convinced you can beat it with enough willpower.

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Firstly I agree with you on all of your points.
But secondly don’t be so quick to judge people with depression. My depression comes on like a god damn period and sometimes it hits pretty hard. Then, 2 weeks later I can’t even remember how bad I felt. And that’s when I’m on a butt tonne of anti depressants.

I’m just saying that I agree that depression hits hard when I’m lazy, but for some people it’s a body chemistry thing and sometimes it takes you by surprise

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it sounds like you didn't have clinical depression
>depression is nothing but a state of mind
yeah, no, again, you don't have a clue. clinical depression is a mental illness, not a "state of mind", you can't just will yourself out of it, it doesn't work that way


you are a disqusting peice of shit. fucking degenerate faggot

please elaborate

Jealousy. I want to not exist anymore, but I have people that care about me and it would devastate them. I’m not even living for myself anymore it’s basically just for them.

I'm sorry your family member committed suicide but you still can't get your panties in a twist over a perfectly acceptable joke for Zig Forums and expect to not look like a faggot.

depends on why they did it.
some people do it to escape consequences; something we hear of a lot in america. to them, it's a little annoying but so long as they're no longer around it's all the same

people who do it out of misery, i feel sad for them. i've been incredibly sad before in my life but i've never fathomed ending it. even if it's not in the forefront of my mind, i guess i still feel/hope that things will get better in time. i can't understand what it's like to NOT think that.
in a similar vein i'm also pretty curious about how one can take such action. like i said, even if they themselves explain it in intricate detail why they've decided to kill themselves, i can maybe understand their logic but still completely fail to empathize

>he thinks its a joke

I envy their bravery.

Envious. But I'll be joining their ranks soon