What is the key to avoiding depression as an adult?

What is the key to avoiding depression as an adult?

I have what most of you niggers would call a "good life" for the most part. Nice car, house, consoles with dozens of games never touched, girlfriend, and lot's of cool shit.

Yet I'm always bored outta my fuckin mind unless I have drugs. Either coke or molly/beans and other shit. Not to mention I smoke week constantly every day.

I can tell after years shit is starting to have an effect on my overall health. So, obviously I can't go on like this forever.

Literally nothing seems fun to me. Even drugs sometimes.

How do I break out of this phase in my life

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wow didnt expect it to format like this wtf sorry on mobile device

Im probably younger than you and poor. Nonetheless, I too experience the same feelings. I found getting a hobby to help, even better if it gets you active.
I chose biking after getting bored of a few other attempts like making music, gardening and weight lifting. I sucked at the music thing, found lifting weights to be oh so boring & I actually enjoyed the plant growing but a combo of it taking too long plus being kind of expensive made me stop.
When I first started riding it felt nice because I already knew how to ride so I didn’t have that sometimes frustrating learning curve like I did with music and lifting, but kinda boring. So I started setting goals. One day Ill ride idk 5 miles. Another ill try to go from here to the supermarket as fast as possible; let’s see how far I can go today, etc.
I started to realize the adrenaline plus dopamine and whatever other brain juices were drawing me back into riding the same way alcohol used to. So, in a way, I traded one addiction for another(?)
I’m at the point now where I want to upgrade my gear but, again, Im too poor lol. It’s starting to get a little boring & I’m thinking of looking for a riding partner so it doesn’t get so lonely.

Either way it helps but there still days where my depression gets the better of me and I skip the daily ride. But it’s easier to fight it knowing how good I feel after the exercise.

I can see that working... I have definitely gotten into exercise and goal setting routines on and off for a long time. I have problems staying consistent when it comes to working out. I have a naturally high metabolism, and am pretty lucky genetically with a decent body- so the need to motivate myself to "look good" doesn't put a fire underneath me.

Did you start doing it to get in shape/look better or just for the sake of being active?

The same reason you made this thread lol. I get bored of things very quickly. It’s one of the main reasons I got into drugs in the first place, I was just looking for something to do. Im smart enough to realize it was taking a toll on my mental and physical health. I guess you could Say I got bored of being so depressed, all the time.
Im kinda like you. Im lightweight due to high metabolism and always been skinny (why I hated lifting), so for me, biking is perfect.
But yeah; consistency, motivation, scheduling is something I’ve always struggled with and tbh still do. This quarantine shit hit me hard and fucked up my whole shtick.
>reminds me I have to get back on track

I think the problem I run into is I schedule things only to get there and look to the next thing. I have a tendency to worry and generally overstress things but just can't seem to unlock that "ability" in my head to just - stop, relax, and "chill" as people do.

I start to analyze the long term benefits and purpose of things (that should be for simple fun) like projects, games, etc and start to give up on it because it feels pointless in the long run.

Force yourself to meet people. Exercise. Not sure if this is your thing but try going to church

Can't really get my head around meeting more people. I know plenty of people, and alottt of people know me. I spent a great deal of time trying to escape others to be alone, including my GF.

I'm not a religious person

> I start to analyze the long term benefits and purpose of things (that should be for simple fun) like projects, games, etc and start to give up on it because it feels pointless in the long run.

Ah, existential nihilism, it’s great isn’t it haha. I get you man, I actually do truly believe everything is pointless, in the grand scheme of things. Unlike this guy says, I’m not religious, I don’t believe in afterlife or karma or that we exist for a reason. If I ask myself “Well if life is meaningless, why don’t I accelerate myself to the ultimate ending & just KMS?”
The answer to that question lies in my philosophy; Hedonism, I live life to maximize my own pleasure, and for nothing more. To me, life has no point but I want to have fun/ enjoy pleasurable things, that’s my goal. I try to approach life simply.
I cant enjoy life if I’m depressed constantly is what I tell myself
Same I can count my friends one one hand, with no thumb included. I dislike meeting new people
> except I need a new friend who is willing to ride with me

Well la di da city slicker

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user.....im Glad you asked

the KEY is recognition if who & what you are.

OP here.

Thanks for this post, gonna do some research and reading on these topics.

been there done that, dont know how or why, but it just passed...

Passionately pursuing the things that make you happy and not falling into the trap of achieving what you perceive to be other people's ideals

same here, except my escape was booze, never really got addicted, have no fucking idea why though, anyway one night i got way too fucking drunk and woke up in a cell, at that point i just said to myself: this shit needs to stop

I definitely try my best to maintain an overall sense of honor and pursuit bettering myself

but that's hard because as this user sayswe start to measure ourselves to success based on what we're told based on others ideals

see about pointlessness

Quit the drug habit. If you can’t do it responsibly there’s no point. You might be amazed how good you feel sober after a month or two. Try sticking with drugs you tend not abuse as much, and ones which aren’t as detrimental to your health long term. Enjoy your life but just be modest about your use so it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass. In my humble opinion, the only drugs you really “need” are alcohol, THC, caffeine, and on rare occasions LSD (preferably shrooms). Maybe DMT as a once or twice in a lifetime thing if you can get it safely and it’s a right time/right place sort of deal. If you stick with those four and use them responsibly you’ll be just fine. IMO, stay the fuck away from pills.

Find hobbies. Others have already pretty much covered that though so I won’t beat a dead horse.

Maintain friendships and don’t be an asshole to everyone in your family. You’ll need them and they’ll need you. Be nice to others. Cliche but fuck it, it actually does feel good.

Career: unless you’ve really found something you love (count yourself among the lucky few), do different things in your life. If you hate what you’re doing, aspire to do something completely different. This will mentally drain you if you’re stuck doing something awful to you.

Exercise, eat healthy, all that jazz, but try to enjoy life the best you fan. We’re all trying to figure it out day to day. Some are just more successful at understanding themselves.

I dont want to get too into everything, but I think my career sort of has a part in the drug use because of the type of people that do my work.

I appreciate your advice

Sounds like you need to touch those games, mother fucker

Go for one or two weeks with no internet, no alcohol, no drugs, no masturbating, no porn, no gaming, no devices with a screen etc. You can exercise, talk to friends and family in person, reflect, read a book, write in a book, etc. Then after one or two weeks go back to life as normal. But do everything a little less and do everything at the end of the day. Masturbate once every 2 days, smoke weed once every 2 days, drink once every 2 days etc. Browse Zig Forums/play vidya once a day but try to only do it at nighttime. But this is after going one or two weeks doing none of this shit at all. Does wonders for your dopamine receptors. Pic not related

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this, I watched a yt video on it once. tried it out. felt great. buckets of energy.

Have kids, embrace adulthood.

Right? I was thinking that too

Do you have a bucket list OP?
What are somethings you have to experience before you die.. would you rather dance in the rain? ride on a train? or feel no pain?

kid shit is so fuckin boring. I'd never in a million years consider working in a day care or school, that's the fuckin day to day with a kid. And then eventually they grow on you and you dont even resent them anymore but objectively you know you'd be better off

do the shit you're actually passionate about
also if you didn't have a rough childhood you're fucked, you will never know what it is to really struggle

I hope you die a horrid death for squandering what you achieved in life with drugs and apathy. I'm ugly, broke, and short and have no path to greatness. I will never really succeed in life beyond not being a leech on my family. Seriously how can you be at the stage you are in life, and make a thread about avoiding depression? Have you lost your ambition to improve and not be a sad sack? Suck my short cock bitch, I'll never have what you do and I know it.

Nah user. Just look at OP
All the vidya, drugs, and gf stuff he could want. Job and house yet he's still miserable as shit and doesn't see the point to anything. That's because there isn't, not for someone in that situation.

OP here

I want to go on a crazy trip to a dangerous place... maybe some where in south america or Africa. Just have an overall wild and dangerous adventure, fuck around with some jungle ruins or get shot at by narcos

by of course my stupid girlfriend would rather go to the bahamas...

I guess now that you ask user... it's traveling. But I dont want "organized" travel, so not really attainable in the short term

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I understand you're view point. Im not ungrateful for what I have.

FYI I'm not that tall