Why did liberals ruin The Last of Us 2?
Why did liberals ruin The Last of Us 2?
Its just a video game. If you dont agree with what happens just dont fucking buy it.
And grow up. there are more important things to worry about that a video game.
>on Zig Forums
>telling others to grow up
you are a literal whole-ass. poop and all my friend.
>And grow up. there are more important things to worry about that a video game.
Do you watch anime?
i aint your friend, buddy.
Yeah right. And get to see another great franchise decline with each new iteration or just cancelled because no money was made selling this bs. I rly don't get it lefty-faggs aren't main consumers of vidya, why devs/pubs need to be such bootlickers?
no, i bang your mom.
Then fuck off.
I see, so you watch anime and you're underaged. But you think you have room to tell others to "grow up".
As if there was something to ruin to begin with
Wahhh other people have different interests and concerns to me waHhhhh but I can't relate so.theyre all useless garbage wahhhhhhh
It was not ruined by them user, they made it. Yes thats right allmost all culture you like has been made by people who are not as racist and backwards as people on this board.
Does that give you something to think about?
>they made it
No they didn't
Holy shit retard. I don't care how much you hate forced diversity. If you want to be heard and make a change do you really think that Zig Forums is the most appropriate place? What are you hoping for an echo chamber? Shouldn't you be over on Zig Forums posting this same fucking thread every hour?
Idk, but how about you go back to h8 chan?
Sorry, but it isn't 2005. Horny white teenagers and neckbeards aren't the only "gamer" demographics anymore.
>go back to h8 chan
Isn't that place dead?
>It isn't 2005
>We need ugly ass women in games now
It's been ruined since the first dlc.
ok boomer
Then rightly fuck off and burn in hell. I am going to find your soul when you die and throw you into hell with me. If souls or hell do not exist, then I will force my will to create it after my death. I will find you one war or another faggot.
Did you just graduate from edgy school?
I will cum in your asshole.
Full scholarship there champ?
>allmost all culture you like has been made by people who are not as racist and backwards as people on this board.
You really are failing to understand that culture is built through traditions, embedded and nurtured over hundreds if not thousands of years. Almost every generation in the past was more “racist and backwards” than anyone around today.
Does that give you something to think about?
Im going to lop off your mother's head and jizz down her throat then feed you the mix of blood, entrails and jizz.
Honestly, as long as the game is good, I really couldn't give less of a fuck how big Ellie's titties are. Plus, we all knew from the first game she wasn't going to mature into a busty woman, she a flat chested bitch through and through. Also, if women had to live in an environment like The Last of Us, they would totally look more masculine just from the amount of physical stress they'd go through on the daily
>as long as the game is good
>I really couldn't give less of a fuck if it's gay as fuck
Your entire post is cringe FYI