> building dating app

>> building dating app
>> basically tinder clone, better infrastructure
>> I am the only one working on it

How do I compete / make money?

Attached: 12E2A07E-B507-4645-9EF8-D02AFA95A27E.jpg (1560x720, 65.02K)

If you're that far behind, you NEED a niche to build off of. I suggest a dating app for non humans, like a pet dating app. Imagine people letting their hamsters fall in love.

Getting real women on you app, not bots, is going to be your blood and lifesource.

Your only real chance is to come up with a gimmick that other dating apps haven't yet; maybe aim for a niche demographic like stoners or ravers or young professionals that don't have time for regular dating but don't want to deal with the hookup culture of snapchat

Attached: Screenshot_20200519-182008_Tinder.jpg (720x1480, 310.85K)

Thanks this is retarded

I am aware that women are the commodity, I was hoping that charging 1$ dollar upfront would avoid a lot of spam, or at least make money off it.

I was also hoping to go anti-gimmick. Just give full features for one time fee, not the bullshit freemiuim tinder and bumble tries to pull

Yes yes niches, of course I could just make muzzmatch, christiansingles etc.

That first reply is a direct reference to the image you posted for the OP

Oh right hamsters, sorry nicely done

You cant compete. Give up, stop wasting your time. They have infinite resources and you're one man

Yes it went over my head

>> No fuck u

The point was just saying you need a niche, same advice as the other post. That's literally all you can do, if you can't do something other apps do you will never beat them because they have huge teams and advertising funds. Your only chance at all is a reason for people to use your app over other apps.

Save yourself the trouble, user. Let go of your illusions of grandeur

>OP sent his reply first by 1 sec, but still gets his posted 2nd
Wow OP you sure are slow.

I was banking off the fact that I have all three popular ones. Why wouldn’t you install a 4th

Just don't, you're not gonna get anywhere

Prpt who cares

>>just quit

Thanks for the creative suggestions

How would you find the 4th if nobody installs it in the first place? You need a userbase because nobody is installing a dating app with 2 downloads unless the niche is so perfect for them that they NEED it. If you've seen Bojack Horseman they had an arc about making a dating app for Asexual people, what you're trying is literally played out enough for cartoon plots to revolve around it.

Find some hidden niche nobody else found yet, or it won't even get 10 downloads.

If you're expecting people to give you an idea simple enough to make it rich off a single person's work for free, you're probably retarded. If I had an idea 1 person could do alone that would be able to compete with Tinder, I sure as fuck wouldn't be telling you the idea, I'd hire someone to make it for me or learn to code apps.

Bojack is a great reference because you’re beating a dead horse.

got it

lmao, for someone begging for free advice you sure are upset when people give you the best advice on blast. Hint: If everyone gives the same advice, it means it's good advice.

This. No one here has 2 brain cells to rub together you think you're gonna make anything worthwhile brainstorming with retards?

Rig it so guys get more matches than girls

Obviously not looking for a golden ticket, just wanted to hear some creative thoughts.

>>hurr durr I wouldn’t tel you my brilliant idea if I had one

Not sure that's a good idea tbh.
Women have it so easy on tinder already, it's not worth it for an even barely attractive woman to go and get their credit card, even for a dollar, also on a less popular app. For guys, sure no problem, but it's not worth it from any woman's point of view.

See shit like this is was I was looking for

How about this: Keep the swipe left / right feature because its proven to work. However, also have a swipe up feature, hear me out. Swipe right and left stay the same (swiping left is no, swiping right is yeah), but swiping up means u wonna do something long term with the person, instead of just hook up. If both parties swipe up, you got a match, with mutual interests.

There's your unique selling point. I expect my million dollars by the end of the year.

Dating apps are for prostitution, and you're basically a pimp. Figure it out.

thats a good idea also checked


Appreciate u, leave a contact and maybe it’ll come back around

>How do I compete / make money?

You dont, nobody cares about the technical side of things. Its pure luck
Just like CandyCrush was stolen, the original didnt do well, then someone cloned it and it blew up.

You need a new idea to stand out. I suggest paid tiers where paid users appear first. Another idea would be separating "Here for sex" and "here for romance" into separate areas. Tinder/OkCupid don't actually differentiate.

Yes and no. I’d be middleman pimp. Also thought of sugar niches for euro broads, don’t really want that involvement

Sure but if I can run it for pennies then there’s no overhead

Imagine being this retarded. Nothing "successful" on the app store is based on luck. Not anymore at least. You just have to have a decent product with an even more decent marketing budget.

What if your gimmick was "it shows you people you've already met." Like all the people you swipe through are people you've been within 6 feet or so before. This idea kind of breaks the initial face-to face barrier too, which I think is a good selling point. It doesn't need to be good friends necessarily, but if I was sitting on a subway or whatever it would be cool if it then put a woman sitting across from me on the feed (obviously you need some sort of algorithm outside of that to evaluate compatibility) but I think it could be cool

>swipe up with lots of guys
>"but I'm srs tho"
>continue farming simps under more false pretenses
Close, but it could use some refining against this situation.

I got kik because its easy and somewhat anonymous, add lionx24

>Nothing "successful" on the app store is based on luck
Its 100% based on luck.

You dont need a "decent product", you dont need a technically sound product.
You need exposure (like you said, marketing budget), and if lady luck is being generous that exposure will convert. Many times it doesnt.

Probably need Bluetooth for that proximity. Not sure you can get that precise geo info from gps

Good point. Or it does what apple does with Airdrop and creates a small wireless network that other devices automatically join.

Or you could have the balls to talk to the woman across from you on the subway without an app telling you to.

LoveFinderrz with two Rs and a Z.