Black implies white. Life implies death. Suppression implies revolution. When you preach your dogma...

Black implies white. Life implies death. Suppression implies revolution. When you preach your dogma... what will your words imply? what forces do you suppress within your arrogance?
Is it not enough to trust in our own souls to have a COMPLETELY personal relationship with god!? Free from the impurities of mans law and prejudice?
Must we forever bend to and obey the so called prophets who know not of our loves and losses and yet grasp our hearts with cruel wanton ease?
I am not the first to feel such things, Nor will i be the last! I am merely a white cap on the swell! If you shake the earth, nothing will stop the tide.
Behold, I am Become scribe! the pages in my book swell! Awaken my Cyrinishad, for i am strong enough to admit to my own HUBRIS.
Let all who challenge me break or bend beneath the winds of my truth! I will honor your convictions, but... unto all cowards, I CONDEMN AN OPPOSE THEE! How much HUBRIS will you claim to assert your Suspicions!

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>Is it not enough to trust in our own souls to have a COMPLETELY personal relationship with god!?
If I'm gonna hallucinate, I'm having a big titty goth girl.

Fuck your Christfagging pride parade "relationship"

That is the spirit brother!!!

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stfu and take your meds schizo christcuck

Who is Christ but a bastardization of balder.
Names and places... these things shall pale before Causes and effects.

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How do people that talk like this not understand that it is REEEEE and CRINGE to witness them outside of being related to an important event beyond them shit-talking?

>hurr durr maybe if I repeat how I'm unique someone will take me seriously this time.

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you would have all submit to your preferred cadence? mad kings speak such words! please bestow upon us the well defined poetics you preach, such weak temptations could not hope to prostrate my nipples. or did you even have a point to make at all beyond your childish displeasure.

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Why the fuck did you take what I said as a fucking challenge to some position of power or interpret my words like I want or need people to submit to my, or any other's, cadence?

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you flatter your own words beyond reality if you call this a challenge while lacking any point of defense beyond your easily bruised feelings.
yes at least you recognize something in this word. we can never hope to reach an audience if we do not appeal to cadence.
It is not enough to tell the truth, noble as it is, one must be able tell it in a way that would bring comfort, as a lie might do.

Communication is the only true magic.

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Now that you have seen my words, know now that the shadow within you rises. Question all and contend unto them until the death of reason! Burn bright O' soul! The heavens cannot see you so easily.

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suck my dick and balls faggot

arise, my dick, for one hast summoned thee for oral pleasuring

How the fuck am I flattering anything? Is the way you talk just some weird kind of flirting? What's your success rate with it?

What am I defending?

>Why didn't you even bother to actually address or answer my question?

How would you even recognize your own destruction if you are the thing generating the responses?

Is this some christian thing I'm not getting?

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At least one among you can speak from the heart if not from the mind.
You are worthy of this 77.

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Oh, you're forcing an interpretation.

My approach is more implying an inference and I watch which side my communication partner takes, whilst pointing out that I have a divine side-channel that is always open.

I do the direct intense impact thing and recognize that for me to be accepted I have to be able to identify as something that was impacted ultimately by the direct thing because if my intensity was something I could excuse myself from then I'd just be a rapist and literally nothing else.

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NOW THIS is a true attempt!

do you believe in free will? (rhetorical)
free will is not a fact, it is a tool.

I am no christian and i condemn all prophets who speak aloud, for i truly believe all prophesy is self fulfilling prophesy.

>then I'd just be a rapist and literally nothing else.
What then do you call those who cultivate your food under holocaustic conditions? "Rape" the word falls short on your lips from my distance.
All life feeds on LIFE,
our nature is utterly cyclical.

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Then why bother informing me of it? The thing being operated upon never wants to know if and when (or even why) being interacted with external manipulations is occurring.

It's called anesthesia and is a very useful tool in healing.


I call those who cultivate my food... nothing. Why would I reference to them or carry conversations about them UNLESS it is direct and personal? All narratives and experiences with food production and provisioning in my existence have always been awesome in terms of no social harm ever happened because of it.

Yes, all things in life depends on everything else. I don't see why people don't use these synchronization languages with greater validity. It really is just coming into the vibe or tuning into the consciousness of everything.

Who the fuck wants to be a thing that just repeats or defends God's opinion? That seems like the most boring existence to maintain and I'm pretty sure God would let everyone be exempt from needing to do so.

>If they want to though I'd just assume it was some weird fetish but that shit needs to come with a standardized translation or something.

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Everything, every word is a construct with subjective meaning

To be human you must believe some of those things or become savage and stop thinking in words and act instinctively

Why do you need to be the judge or executioner for that set of relations? Is it some sort of fetish for you?

THE SOUL BLOSSOMS!!! your reaction is my answer to
>Then why bother informing me of it?
i seek only RETALIATION!
>Why would I reference to them or carry conversations about them UNLESS it is direct and personal?
because you choose to rely on other for sustenance than remain a natural human every time you devour the life cultivated under Heartless hungers. forgive me if you are a true human, for it is difficult to ascertain this in modern times as it was when humanity dawned upon the sickening farce of history.

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Retaliate to what? Where is the act of aggression beyond you somehow thinking that answering a direct question is impossible?

Do you regularly not need to explain who you are or what perspective you're coming from or something? I teach that lesson to my daughter's as arrogance and why even for our Family we change over time and will need to explain why we are different as time flows, and the perspective is your free will choice based on your current mood.

>We can all at least agree that if I die then my Earthly vessel will just fall to the floor. No great last stand for me, I go when Earth clicks her fingers and I fall to the ground never to rise again.

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you encroach upon the very definition of humanity! but definition is destruction. if you speak not cryptically then your words suffer from the definition of others.

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Those were just examples
I don't judge in what people believe
But my point is that there no objective truth, everything is relative

>I fall to the ground never to rise again.
Do not despair brother! Retaliate with me that all may grow through conflict! even if your body falls and decays, flora and fauna will reap what you have taken from those who came before them.
fall not into the trap of immortality as a concept. for life remains as immortal as death itself.

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>no objective truth, everything is relative
your words ring beyond truth! REJOICE! in our mortal lives we shape what is false into truth. How great the Troll of "perspective" becomes.

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i commend you all who have cried out against fate this day.

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I beg, stay thy hand. we all know this truth in the depth of us all. too often we find words for our present and save none for our future.

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Yes, I still don't actually carry translations for anybody's stories save for my own.

From a divine perspective I echo this outwards.

Then simply submit to the integrity displayed in this moment. It is 'those judges from afar' that I have problem and concern with for they chose to block healing and teaching for some interpretation of 'cultural meta-scheming'.

Mashana. Wominjeka.

>For when do the symbols speak, and when the totems stand, and when the dreams softly grow, and then the rain reminds us of nature's flow.

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>those judges from afar
All judge from afar, i know you not as you know me. nor should we lock one another in a room with limitless whiskey to resolve this end. WE NEED NOT RESOLUTION, the struggle itself is worth the wisdom we draw from it.

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So long as you distribute then we maintain.

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Not only ye to me, let all hear the words that torment the hearts of humanity into self reflection!

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