Does this actually work?

does this actually work?

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yep, the arrow never shot,always misses the target nigga bitc

plan on shooting lot's of arrow's

yes but you establish some familiarity first, then spend some time ago and then you ask her out.


Nope. It works if you ask specifically, "Do you want to do THIS PARTICULAR THING at THIS PARTICULAR TIME". No ambiguity.

Of course it does. There's someone out there for everybody.

Yes. As a general rule, being direct and honest with people works good in most contexts. Dating is one of them.

I’m looking at it this way. Do you have her number already? Are you dating already? The answer is likely “no”. So you’re already at zero. If you ask and she says yes, good deal. If she says no, at least you worked in your game and got some practice developing self confidence. Why not try?

what about the dudes in india and china? There's like millions more men than women there.

Not always.
And even if it does, does it truly matter in the end?

yeah dude, a girl saying no to romantic gestures is a whetstone for you're confidence.


if you take it that way, or you can cry and listen to radio head

Yes. It's that simple.


Those people generally don't have anything going for them. And it's because there's less women, their worth is artificially inflated.


The only part that doesn't work is him becoming a bloomer. If you try to rely on other people for happiness you will never be happy, getting a girlfriend wont cure your depression, happiness has to come form within

jesus true

and if the arrow misses, grab the glock and lit the bitch up see if this misses now whore

This is true, but also 90% of girls will still turn you down.

Only if you’re attractive.


Depends on if she innately likes you. I've seen people do this before. It's not entirely impossible. It is more then looks, but looks and success get you in the door faster. Be that as it may looks and money can make up for a bad personality but not always. Really think of her as a person.

no retard

Maybe 1 in 100, if you are attractive. Confident, and have money.
1 in 1000 - 1 in 10,000 if you dont have the above things.

Yes, but only if she see you as someone better than her or you are much more physically attractive than her.

> Courtship Success Rate Calculator

source on statistics, calculations?

not if you smoke

every relationship has to start that way user.

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they aren't people.

asking a girl out? of course it does. Ive been on plenty of dates where I just met a girl and asked her out. Some were good, some were bad, some were crazy.

real countries only, please

Everyone has it wrong. The certainty that you'll get a girl rises exponentially if you just slide into multiple DMs at once. I have picked like, 10 of them and then just juggled boring conversation until I've won before. It's not hard.

give me about 40 minutes. i need to scan my diary and upload it here

unpopular but true. only whites are people in the true sense, because being a person, as distinct from being a human, is a concept created in europe for europeans.

not to say niggers and other races are inferior, they're just different and should make up their own aspirations.

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Just be yourself.
And don't be ugly

DMs? just do it in real life

>just be yourself
>coomer who's been outside once in the past three weeks

girlfriends are overrated

waste of time and money

please avoid girls with mental issues, past relationship issues, and horrible habits

if you find yourself a 10/10 sex queen with the aforementioned characteristics, dump her... fast

find yourself a 7/10 girl that adores you and will treat you right

you don't want to find yourself being cucked by a complete psycho bitch who treats you like crap and torments you with her bullshit drama


Agreed. 7 year olds are a bit vain, but 10 year olds can be sweet.