Are incels really that retarded when it comes to women...

Are incels really that retarded when it comes to women? Ask questions on things you find baffling about women and I'll do my best to clarify.

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Most of us aren't necessarily baffled. I mean sure I don't know how to kiss, and sometimes I struggle or make mistakes with the basics, but I figure it out pretty quick.

Most real incels are just ugly... We're not baffled by women, they just don't want us on any level. We have nothing to offer them.

It's shockingly easy for me to attract girls online with my humor and good sounding voice. I'm quite charismatic which is my only redeeming quality. The problem is I'm 5 foot 4 and my face looks like a raped avacado. You can be the most perfect dude in the world, but if you don't turn her on, you might as well not even be there at all.

Not an incel, but:
Can I hab secks wit u?

So what aspect of that do you think is insurmountable?
Is that for the best? Are you okay not working towards that?
I'm a soft-bi dude, so if you brought a girl with you or wanted to adventure with your gf I'd be happy to help

Who can you blame (aside from yourself) if you're an appalling person with shocking personal hygiene and a primordial fear of teh wimmenz?

Pretty much... Ugly ducklings don't always turn into swans. Some just disappear into the void and become irrelevant.

Incels take things to the extreme, but what they say isnt inherently wrong

Don't blame anyone, it gets you no further. Fear of woman is rough and very real. I know a few gay dudes* that are there more so because they want intamcy but fear women. A neutral zone is an easy start, even in discord servers, try keeping to topic and ignoring every other facet. That broke the barrier to girl talking for a few people I've worked with in the past.

Is that for the best? Are you okay not working towards that?

Bro what do you not get about this. You know that picture of that guy who can't fold laundry because he has no chin? Imagine if that guy spent two years in the gym trying to fix himself, that's me. I have the head of a 22 year old computer neard with no chin on the body of a body builder. I look like Frankensteins monster.

The only thing I could possibly work towards in life is upper/lower reconstructive jaw surgery. Costs about 80k, 4 months of recovery, cosmetic so not covered by insurance.

See this is the problem. Ugly people bang every day. But most incels aren't even ugly, they're otherwise normal dudes with crippling self esteem issues who spend all their time getting their psychological problems reinforced in online self harm circle jerks telling each other how unbangable they are.

I don't have a gf, but I'm down ;)

Sounds like projections and marginalizing to me.
You are better than incels in this regard how?

I created a tinder, with professional shots (designed to look not professional), rotated pictures, A/B tested bios. I got one match every 3 months.

I approach women in bars/clubs and see visible disgust. The only girl I ever slept in bed with (just cuddling) was a 4/10 and she couldn't bring herself to fuck me. Actually cried. She did mind you. I was on a ton of x and was just along for the ride...

Aaaand here we go. Don't you dare point out to an incel that his issues are in his head or he'll cry oppression/discrimination. It's shockingly predictable behavior. There are so many feep dives people have done that can be found on the youtubes. It always goes tge same way.

You avoid directly answering because you have a pre-segue answer to things. I gave you two closed questions. If all you reduce yourself down to is a jaw line, you're not maximizing what you have.

Not OP, but I think he will agree.


We're animals at the end of the day. Animals sense fear and uncertainty.

You'd be amazed at how well you and others posting in this thread would be received if you just owned your own image with a little bit of confidence.

Don't be mistaken, no one wants to fuck a disgusting unhygienic piece of shit, straight, gay, or wherever the fuck in between. Wash your dick once in a while if you want a chick to touch it. Wash your face once in a while if you want a female to touch it.

Nah, I think majority of these "incel" people are just normal people who are too afraid of being vulnerable to put themselves out there and/or lack social skills. But it sounds like towel folding user genuinely is fucked here.

It sounds like their psychological problems comes from women treating them like doormats because of their looks , and people like you gaslighting them into thinking they arent 2/10s. Its a nice big circle it looks like to me.

>"So I told the vetern to just stop having PTSD, he isnt in a combat zone anymore. And it fixed his problems overnight!"

Christ man. Get past the lame steriotype, I'm 12% bodyfat, the achne stopped in college and I'd always had it even washing my face 4 times a day with products.

I have a 6 figure career. I work out. I own a home. And my face is fucking clean. So what's next?

And yet I guarantee someone as ugly or uglier than you is banging right this instant.

Have sex with me please! Why don't you wamt meee?

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Yeah a 2/10 is banging a 2/10. Believe it or not I don't want to fuck a 2/10 either. Some people can accept that, I can't. It doesn't turn me on, idk what more I can do. And no 6/10 or better is fucking my ass unless I'm willing to cough up cash.

Incel is just the buzzword I use, everyone replying knows what I mean.
Out of curiosity how well do you do with helping others? What do you do that's social? How could you increase your social surface area?

You have a linear view on value and it's literal 1-d/number line thinking and it's no good chief.

I actually do... This is very accurate. At least value in the context of women, obviously if there wasn't a part of me that thought I had value to the greater whole, I'd have just offed myself.

Yeah talking to you people about this shit isn't anything at all like asking the guy with ptsd to stop having ptsd.

It's trying to get the guy with ptsd to realize that what he has is fucking ptsd and to seek treatment for ptsd instead of spending all his time doing things that trigger his ptsd thinking it'll make him better.

This. Stuff like women choosing men based on appearance and money is 100% true. It's not a good reason to hate women though.

>muh confidence
hard to be confident when there's nothing in real life to base your "confidence" off of.

I volunteered in college for a charity my parents had a connection to and really enjoyed it. Tbh it's something I'd really like to do as a regular activity with friends or an SO. I struggle in socal situations obviously and find it hard to do things in general without someone, so I don't get to do a lot of things...

I'll start by quoting you...

"Christ, man"... Get over your own self-loathing and recognize that I was giving a general example and not calling you out directly. I don't even know what you look like, you college-educated, six-figure making, fuckless fuck.

It's no wonder you don't get laid. You think you can fill the void in your soul with cash, a house, and muscles? Fuck no.

Drop the "everything's a personal attack" attitude and maybe you'll get somewhere.

>"You arent THAT ugly"
>"Just be yourself"
>"Just have confidence"

>the stereotypical soft spoken nice guy personality goes up to a girl
>shot down simultaneously because of his looks and his personality

>"Just pretend you arent a 2/10"
>"By confidence, I mean change who you are and dont be yourself. Pretend you are someone else because your actual personality is a turn off"

People sit and coddle trannies because 41% of them try to kill themselves because they cant reconcile their personality and their body.
Yet all of incels problems with their bodies and their inherent personalities get no such respect.
They get gaslighting and projections with people who dont have a clue and lack empathy. Posts like are typical.