My penis can't get hard and I'm only 25 years old AMA
My penis can't get hard and I'm only 25 years old AMA
What meds are you on?
have you given pills a shot at all, orrr...?
Have you seen a doctor?
No. I'm single and have never had a girlfriend so why would I? just so I can jack off a non-floppy
Yes, Covid pushed it back to October. I've been unable to get a good quality boner since December.
you might be a girl
why the fuck do you niggers ask these questions, they're the most bare fucking bones ass questions you can ask, as if you care about faggot op over here or something. heres a question for ya op, have you tried sucking less dick? have you tried removing the 3 bad dragon dildos from your ass? ever thought of doing less cocaine and alcohool at the same time? i'm sure you won't bother changing your faggoty ways since you posted an absolutely vapid fucking ama thread. fuck off newnigger
Nope. I have a tiny little pecker and a giant set of balls to make it look even smaller.
Have you tried slapping it, mine works like a fucking remote
Never sucked a dick.
Don't have 3 bad dragon dildos in my ass.
Never done Cocaine, drink beer on the weekend though.
>Never sucked a dick.
have you tried sucking more dick? maybe you're a fag
wanna suck mine? it won't get hard but I can still cum while soft.
Sick burn
what's your diet? It's likely the cause
Go "paleo" and eat some high quality animal products.. eliminate all grains/vegetable seed oils and greatly reduce sugar (and/or go ketogenic temporarily to open up metabolic flexibility)
Also brief/intense resistence training
Only sluts stick out their tongues.
Try taking ginseng, makes me diamonds seriously.
This helped me in the past. I went all-out vegan and it killed my libido and hard on. Turns out there's an animo acid in red meat that helps keep many men "in the game." So this user might be on to something. Worth a shot!
Nothing to do with my diet.
Tried new porn? Idk maybe midgets, feet, horses, etc.?
>I can still cum while soft.
Holy shit I genuinely thought I was the only one.
I get aroused and jerk off but it physically pains me to get an erection. I cum while soft and only jerk off every other day now
>Nothing to do with my diet.
very unlikely imho... but what is your reasoning for saying so.. what is your diet? most people eat garbage and don't eat enough bioavailable HEALTHY animal foods.. since they've bought all the nonsense propaganda from the vegans and institutions that push dangerous info about meat/saturated fat being bad for you and toxic shit like vegetable seed oils, grains and legumes being good for you when they're the worst possible things you can eat
Someone explain what makes this kind of photo so comon among normal women?
awesome to read, glad you are in recovery.. all the vegan propaganda is wrong/dangerous.. and properly raised local/free-range animals are healthier, better for the environment and even better for animal ethics concerns than monocrops.. grains/legumes are full of toxins but also often have high levels of multiple chemical residues, routinely found in whole and processed products
This guy is an idiot btw. Not even a point in arguing. Getting better boners after going vegan. 3 years now. New prs in the gym too.
Does your boner get in the way when your carnivorous boyfriend is railing you
Yes, yes it does. Stay mad.
I am vegan but I love rekt vids
no, i push it to the side
veganism is wrong and you've bought into a pile of lies
that being said, of course some people coming off a really shitter over-consumption of shit diet can appear to do well in the short-medium term - especially when you consider the fact that many of these people are going from a calorie surplus to chronically undereating, which
(when chronic) exaccerbates catabolic processes that release adrenaline (a by-product of which is feeling better in the short-medium term, until it starts to cause problems)
over the long term, unless you are very careful and know what you are doing with supplements as well as variety (though some things can only be supplemented on a vegan diet) you WILL run into deficiencies.. this is not an "if", it is a certainty.. it may take years, or even a decade..
plants are generally low-bioavailablility, the forms of most micronutrients found in plants need sometimes multiple layers of converstion.. not all, but many vitamins have a 0-40% conversion rate .. there's also the problem of absorption competition and potential gut lining problems that over-time you may run into (IF you rely on problematic things like improperly prepared grains/legumes as a staple)
Sure, you "can" be healthy as a vegetarian, and you can do veganism better, but there are fundamental problems with vegan diets, this is why if you want to remain healthy as a vegan long-term, supplementation is not an option.
There are so many issues with vegan propaganda
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Erections are all about blood flow. Swing that shit around to warm it up. Or go to the hospital and steal some blood and inject it. Might get aids, might get hard. Take the risk
Veganism is a dietary choice, facilitated by industrial farming practice and globalised capitaism. It has all the elements of a cult, which isn't surprising considering the roots of veganism within Jainism. The end state of veganism is entirely aesthetic and practically unachievable. It pays no attention to micro-organisms or the use of specially bred insects used in pollenation.
As the vegan goal of "no exploitation of animal life" is totally unacheivable, the vegan who is aware of the logical and practical problems of their choosen expression is doomed to a life of guilt and failure. Therefore the only purpose of publically adopting the vegan lifestyle is that of the cult.
a. Members and practicioners position themselves and morally superior to non-cult members.
b. Cult members compete with each other on terms of piety and self denial.
This is why they vegan must express their veganism at every opportunity. It is all it has. Unfortunatly the cult of vegans has not yet adopted a uniform. When they finally get around to shaving their heads and wearing brightly coloured robes. We can avoid them better.
theres this new thing called a doctor. ever considered visiting one?
I was scheduled to have my follow up in early april. It's pushed back to the end of October now.
well put.. yes.. I understand and sympathize with the initial naive desires.. but as you say, it's not only "not practical" but ignores the entire ecosystem and indirect (and even direct) consequences of its' own dogma - which ends up EVEN killing and destroying far more sacred life than they are pretending to try and save.
Ugh.. You know.. I don’t support all the porn threads on Zig Forums these days but ironically it sounds like the only thing that we can do to help OP is provide him with some serious fapping material ASAP.
Okay you son of a bitch, I’m in.
Boys, If he’s gonna make it we’ll need the following:
18yo girls with big natural tits.
Girls naked in the snow.
Cosplay nudes
Small girls with perky tits
Nice vaginas that aren’t too meaty
Teens sucking cock
Hang in there OP, help is on the way.