Black men use white women to spawn more blacks, how can we stop this?

Black men use white women to spawn more blacks, how can we stop this?

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That's hot AF. I'm gonna cum to this photo.

Those kids aren't black, they're half. He diluted his genes

>step 1: go back to Zig Forums
>step 2: ???
>step 3: profit

They're not white either.

Looks to me that they get blacker the older they get

Make it a requirement that you have to have had a full time job for at least 18 months before becoming a father upon penalty of death or castration.

She has the nose of a kike

they usually run away after one so not as bad as pic

Jesus! What ugly bastards!

Better yet just Give them the ones with Black hair and there's no problem

Bruh who the fuck has that many kids. Someone has to teach these niggas to use a condom or get on birth control. Fucking retards making their own financial situation more difficult and increasing their carbon footprint.

This is proof that blacks have both superior genes and seed. White genes are easily overpowered. Is there any hope for us?

not sure about the whites but there's definitely no hope for you

Theyre not nigger either, oh wait....

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How many times the father tried it to make it to the gas station at night to buy cigs and then gets escorted back to his house by police patrol?

>superior genes

Bigger dick reaching deep in. Superior at body to body limbfights. Healthy brain development going after things needed for survival in a complex environment. Super stamina can run far and fast outrun its threats.

>healthy brain development

>superior genes
>mixed kids never come out darker than dad
>even in this pic all the kids are way lighter than pops

I want a nubian princess for a wife but let's be real, her darkness and my light will make lighter kids.

As weird as it sounds, and as much as some folks may not like hearing this, this type of interracial family isn't the problem.
They're obviously well maintained and responsible if they can take care of that many kids. The black is probably in a professional field that pays well, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If he was a degenerate nigger, that would be a problem. I don't have any issue with the 13%.

All I ask is.... quit forcing diversity on the population. I'm not stopping this black man and this white woman to mingle, i disagree with it, but i'm not going to stop someone from doing what they wanna. However, if I want to be a racist and segregate myself from those I don't want to be around, you gotta respect my decision.
Quit forcing humans to mingle with races they don't want.

You want to prove it?
Per capita in comparison to whites and anglos.

If black people fuck so much and have 6 kids to every 1 white kid, half of them die or become incarcerated, a quarter of them are weak/retarded/tranny/afrikanNEEgah/small penis, that only leaves a few that actually won the nigger contraception lottery.

Blacks will never be able to challenge their rulers thats why theyre so desired by them. Good enough for processing cleaning assembling serving and maintaining.

Jesus, you guys/boys are such imbeciles.

Must get it from PORN, blacks aren't fucking white chicks all over the country.

You insecure FUCKS.

well, you could kill them
you could also make it unappealing for them somehow
you could also fuck more white women and have white babies instead
you could do all of these things, or you could leave it in the hands of fate.
you could also create a white ethnostate and tell niggers to fuck off back to cambodia or something

isn't this what the white supremacists want?

We use black women to spawn more mixed, simple as that

Actually looks like a big, happy family. If you think otherwise you’ve been here too long, or are just ignorant/racist etc.

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Telling these people they are insecure fucks won't do anything, cause that's precisely what fuels them.

This is what racist wants. Supremacist dont actually care as long as they are below whites doing all the hard labor.

>He diluted his genes

fucking his race away

Face it, OP, the "white" race is doomed to extinction. More and more whites are interbreeding with people of color. Just a few more generations and there will be no more white race, just shades of brown, except maybe for the inuit and one or two other Indigenous American and Asian peoples, who are light-skinned and rarely mingle with other races.

The white race is doomed to extinction, just as they tried to drive Indigenous nations to extinction in North America, except we use our penises and the wombs instead of guns, smallpox-infested blankets, and disease-infested, bioengineered plant seeds.

They aren't as black as he is, 9% breeding into 60% isn't going to end w/ that 60 becoming black. Look at the difference between the average african american and the average african from their country of ancestry if you doubt it.

There are more white people now than there have ever been before. Whites aren't going anywhere. Deal with it.

But they all in ops pic are proud owners of the good goy badge. Progressive and liberal. Antisemitism is unknown to them and they consume without asking questions. So when do you guys start to get your own good goy badge? Obey, dont resist, theyre too smart too powerful already. Be useful to them and live good or end as a miserable entity in Sheol