FUCK. I just found out that something I ate today had soy in it as a "secret ingredient," one of those things you generally might not assume to be in there. How damaging is soy intake? I try to avoid that stuff, but is a little bit every now and then still bad? Will my head detach from its body after too much face dancing like the guy in this infamous video below?
FUCK. I just found out that something I ate today had soy in it as a "secret ingredient...
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Turns you into the guy in your pic
Are you some kind of giant retard? The whole soyboy thing is a giant meme. Even if it is true, eating pad thai once in a while isn't going to turn you into a trap.
If you don’t start growing man tits in the next couple of day’s I’d be very surprised. You’re penis will shrink about an inch aswell. Can take up to 2 years for it to leave your system.
TBH you might aswell just continue the process and transition, at this stage it would be easier
AAAHHH!!!! How do I reverse the effects? I know I have decent beard genetics, already, but I don't want anything else of that man, whether his creepy soy face, or his excessive blubber.
Doesn't eating (or drinking, I guess) onions help reverse effects of soy? I know there is a Soylent product, which I would steer clear of for sure, but what if somebody made an Onionslent drink? What would Onionslent be like, Zig Forumsros?
A small amount of soy will do nearly nothing to you. The memes are from the fact that soy contains phytoestrogens.
These act like estrogen in the male body, or at least there is a lot of evidence to suggest this.
It makes men more emotional, Less muscular, and pretty much just look relatively androgynes.
If eaten in large enough quantities over a long enough time.
Having some ramen noodles with some soy ingredient once or twice a week probably won’t do anything to you
Eating cereal with soy-milk every day defiantly will
I'm lactose intolerant. So I avoid soy at all cost. I'm already looked down upon for using vegetable butter and drinking almond milk. I might as well cut my dick off.
What about almond milk.
you're talking shit you fucking faggot.
eating soy once won't turn you into a woman. Drinking only soylent and eating only tofu basically will. Don't worry, you won't grow tits all of a sudden
stop getting your information from Zig Forums, retard
You turn into a cuck in 48 hours, no need to worry tho you dont have a girlfriend.
>I'm already looked down upon for using vegetable butter and drinking almond milk.
Don't harm yourself because of that. Yeah, some family members of mine have a little ribbing at me for not eating meat as much as they do, and avoiding dairy products, but I am not vegan, and I do occasionally eat some dairy ingredient foods. Most of the time, I have almond or oat milk, but I'm fine with coconut milk, too, just never soy.
good lad, good advice.
Thanks. Eat a balanced diet and take (make sure they are safe ones) vitamins when you can.
No shit shelock, have you seen the people who consume soy, it literally degrades your muscles
it literally doesn't you dickhead
Lactose intolerant here as well. I fucking love mac and cheese, pizza as well. I might get the shits after eating the mentioned things. But fuck me, it's worth it.
>have you seen the people who consume soy, it literally degrades your muscles
The guy the OP posted still has muscles.
I'm the first guy that replied to him. Usually, whenever I have gone out with my family to somewhere public, I make sure to minimize my dairy consumption, or else our outing might become tarnished by me getting a little upset stomach, or even worse than that at times, probably a trip or two to bathrooms while away from home.
You can reverse the effects by eating a raw onion and chasing it with a shot of your own jizz. Trust me, it works.
Nigga look it up
There is a difference between degrade and remove numbnuts
it's too late
even by being in the same room as the soy, you're probably already infected
press F to pay respects
What shitty country are you from where it's not labeled or known?
America, state of California.
Vaccines cause autism.
Also if it was soy sauce, you'll turn Asian.
You'll turn into Onision
This guy has a Phd. Listen to him.
This guy? Who is he, and what is he all about?