Listen. drink thread. im so pissed. wtf happened to old drink threads where people do very regrettable things...

listen. drink thread. im so pissed. wtf happened to old drink threads where people do very regrettable things. lets get it going wtf happened to Zig Forums

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its 2020. anons only drink water, soy and semen

fuck my fucking life this is what the fuck ive been experiencing all night.
fuck dubs request or some shit idek i miss the old days

this, the other legit anons have grown up

yea, if you are still here you either a wizard or still pretty young

oh man trips, i don't know just say what bothers you or something

True this place has becomed fucked honestly. it seems like just 2 years ago you could make a thread saying "dubs ill do anything" and atleast a few fags would respond. if you did it obviously.
what bothers me is Zig Forums devolving into a fucking boring cesspit of porn n traps. drunked dubs decide threads were the best fuck this new fag shit. fuck i havent gotten drunk and posted here since i was like young af and this shit sucks ass now.

as an oldfag i must say
i hate you as well, i hate all the little shits trying to sound sophisticated and old.
"i want my home back" and shit like this, this place was always rotten, the rot of older years were diffrent then the rot of 2020, if this place is so important to you you probably are a child or a manchild who didn't grow up.
internet boards don't make my life anymore, working for a better life does.

bro i was mainly posting her 2-3 years ago. all i want are my simple drink threads cunt. those are good. they had crazy shit worth Zig Forums on them. im not a fucking new fag faggot or anything i just want my classic shit.

Im drinking some crown right now...

>i was mainly posting here 2-3 years ago
>im not a fucking newfag
choose one you little faggot

it's your own fucking problem for having no friends and drinking alone, go and get a social circle around you, drink with them.

you stupid cunt. you do realize there is a virus spreading like wild fire and i cant see any of my friends??? so am i supposed to not drink? no dick face imma drink on here, or atleast i thought till i realized these threads were dead ig. and yes i POSTED here 2-3 years ago. you have no idea when i was just viewing cunt face.

sure, here's a list:
-made out w a good friend's gf on his own birthday (rum+edibles)
-puked on my crush while (finally) cuddling with her (whisky)
-puked up my stomach at a buddy's house (beer+shrooms) followed by hyperventilation
-hooked up with childhood ex and had sex all night, just to find out she became a slut and didn't care for me at all (tequila)
-ruined my friends poker set by spilling red wine all over it (wine)

Need I go on? Quit alcohol/smoking for 2 months now.

lol this kidde thinks that he can try to banter his way out of this
stop being such a massive faggot, the epidemic is over, they let people go out now, and even if not, zoom with your friends and drink with them you whiney ass faggot

srry dude i drink but im doing really well for my self because i drink in moderation. but honestly miss the antics of highschool drug/alcoholery and insanity
its not over idiot. not in america atleast. post ur face you wont. i wont respond till you do fat ugly boomer idiot.

Yeah I'm in my university phase of life right now. But I found myself getting fat due to alcohol abuse, and decided to quit due to that, at least for the time being.

Wouldn't want to be ashamed of my upper body with summer coming up and all. Perhaps I'll start gain during summer though

nice zoomer tactics, keep drinking cheap vodka, i'm sure you'll get a good life like that.

lmao as someone who went from 240lb at 16,5 to 155 at 17 and 175lb of muscle at 19 im not worried about it. but yeah health for my liver is a concern but i drink only once a week at most then once a month heavily so i feel like im good.
titos actually has good quality for price cunt.

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are you going to keep using that c word little zoomer?

you had no answer about drinking on zoom with friends, i think someone here is lying about having any

hahah im lying about having friends cunt??? show ur face dick head. ur probably ugly as fuck if u cant. mic drop dumb shit.
trust i got lots of friends one of which includes ur bitch which i also fuck dumb faggot

bought a bottle of titos one time - yuck very much regret it - all vodka tastes the same - could have got a fifth of the cheap stuff and saved 12 bucks , way over hyped vodka . rum is much better and no they don't taste the same

total response of someone that has no friends
and by your response one can clearly see, you never had sex as well


nice caps, right now i'm the only one actually talking to you, you sohuld be grateful.

im sorry master should i lick ur ass clean now? id do it gladly

jesus dude, stop acting out...
that's emberessing...

ok yes sir. u wannna shit in my mouth too? ok sir good for u sir. unnnnng

dude, just don't.
maybe i was a bit too rough on you before, enjoy this picture of a hand made backgammon set i just got, came from syria before all the wars, preety rare

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that's the putside of the board, made out of mother of pearl.

you need to chill buddy.

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christian de lugano

pretty nice looking, I don't know how to play backgammon though

Drunk bro here friend.

Have mad tinnitus and can't sleep a lot of the time. Got it from a gun fight 2 and a 1/2 years ago where a dude popped that shit point blank next to my ear. Really sucks, being dead sucks too I guess

it flows like the energy of life

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