Gonna get a tattoo, was thinking maybe mandelbrot fractal, black bands, or tribal...

gonna get a tattoo, was thinking maybe mandelbrot fractal, black bands, or tribal. Probably going for armband or wrist but might do back/shoulder

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this is the mandelbrot fractal

Attached: guys-chest-factal-tattoo.jpg (600x600, 115.2K)

That looks bland as fuck.. You have to be a 35 year old still living home called Steve to get that shit

you should show your tats if your so hard bro

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do NOT get a tribal tatoo bruh please listen to me

tribal's are extremely cringe and outdated, black bands are for ex junkies wanting to hide their tracks and hipster faggots that didnt know any better and jumped on the bandwagon and this will look like a black smudge and complete shit as it ages.

lol super gay tattoos

All faggot wanna be tats. Get something unique or bazaar.

bizarre, retard

don't get a tribal tattoo. Either get a swastika/sonnenrad or leave your skin alone.

Not op , but thinking of getting "Memento mori" written on my spine . Anyone got any experience with spine tattoos ? heard they are really expensive .

Thanks for the correction. Woke up early, still groggy.

Why "Momento Mori"?

Only acceptable tattoo

Attached: 360tfyg6rje31.jpg (660x498, 43.36K)

spine tats are expensive and painful as fuck

Why not just get the words "PLEB TRASH" tattooed on your forehead? The effect will be the same.

it's an old pic, sir, but it checks out

didn't ask homo

spine tattoos are retarded because going over bone hurts and your spine is full of nerve endings. they're not more expensive than anywhere else on your body. also memento mori is cringe as fuck.

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Well fuck you too, you self righteous faggot. Also who the fuck would ever risk nerve damage getting spinal tats?

stay mad, retard. also it depends on how good the artist is, if they're shit and jam a needle into your spine do you think that's going to end well?

Haven't had a spine tattoo, but my sleeve is almost done and it tends to hurt more on boney parts, even then its not universal. My collar bone and shoulder was okay, its funny how you feel the vibration down your whole chest. Now elbow and elbow ditch was a fukken nightmare, and the area between the two. Muscles were fine for the most part.
As for the theme, yeah please don't do tribal. You are doing a disservice to your body, if like that aesthetic, try for maori (inspired) tattoos. Those bands can look basass too, but youll have to find some real good artist to pull those straight lines or you gon look at crooked shit untill you die, or well untill your skin sags.

Tattoos are for straight up follower faggots. That is looks 90% trashy and to want to get a meaningless tattoo because "ItS gOnNa LoOk So CoOl On Me" is some cringe shit.

OP why dont you work on developing a personality or a fuckin career you fucking plebian.

Getting a tat in 2020 is cringe in itself dude

Tattoos are stupid as fuck and only people who want to make up for their lack of personality gets them.

Man i dunno how many times i’ve pretty much said the same thing worded differently and tattoo fags would gang up hard on me

means "Remember that you will die" translated from Latin . A reminder that everyone will die at some point and that the time you have left is limited . Personally i see it as a encouragement to accept death and take risks without the fear of failure , since no matter what you do in life the end result will always be the same and nothing will really matter .

Trust me, our generation is so drenched in this tattoo culture shit and 99% of it is cringe as fuck.

Not OP but I disagree, people who've spent alot of time in jail can rock tattoos, because they have meaning. These stupid hipsters doing it for art are ruinging it.

So basically pretentious YOLO. Great job, you're still a cringelord.

Exactly. Tattooing memento mori is basically putting up an advertisement on your back saying "I want everybody to know how deep I am". Pretentious as fuck.

Except if its on the spine, it will only be visible on the beach at summer.
And in general I'll never understand why people care about tattoos on other people. I understand you don't like them, but why does it matter what others have on them? Move on and be happy with your life.

Where do you think you are, you fucking retard?

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