Waifu C.C Edition

Waifu C.C Edition

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I am on a mission

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I tried, hmm I need to be heading into bed soon though.

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Whats up, assgus

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Anchovy is the best anime caracter :^)

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That's not even close.

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Yeah I figured you do go to bed around this time more or less, it's fine really.

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Did you turn some spanner at work today?

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Are you the one others were mistaken me for you?

I go to bed a lot sooner than this honestly.

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I'm on my weekend, actually. We haven't been getting a whole lot of stuff lately though. Usually we're done in two hours.

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do you eat cookies for breakfast?

Then how come? You've been sleeping.late or are you pulling all nighters?

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I do not, no. I prefer to snack on fruits for the majority of the time.

A little bit of both, some friends of mine has invited me to play DayZ on playstation 4 and I don't go to work until later in the day.

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DayZ is on Ps4? The heck.. I'm getting old.
Ah then you can afford to stay up late then I guess. I am not sure if I can say I'm the same, but the day after I have been on duty I can sleep in the entire day, to make up for not sleeping much during the day prior.

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Old? And yes to my surprise this game and PUBG has made it into consoles. Well yes and no on the staying up late.. I make my friends happy by playing with them at the small cost of having less hours to sleep.

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What do you do when you aren't turning a spanner

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Mission complete, another off the bucket list

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"Punch a rabbi in the back of the head"

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Woah, write that down, write that down!

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I punched a rabbi on the way home today
You should've seen his yahmika fly

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And you're telling me you *didn't* record it?

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Its difficult to get a good punch in if I need to record it

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Play cards, grill, I'll play Switch. Sometimes I just come home and go back to clock out.

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I don't need a kike lawyer
I have an Italian dentist
I'll pick a non Jewish accountant to waste all my money
I've gotten my degree
Is it salary or hourly?
I guess hourly because you need to clock out

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good luck now trying to find an affordable. doctor, layer, dentist, accountant, nurse, or teacher

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what is the difference between a italian grandmother and Jewish grandmother?

a black dress and a gold cross.

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I will be heading off to bed. Have a good day/night thread, and good night Sopmod, have a restful nap or sleep whenever you get off from duty.

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I can find the Italian grandmother's ashes

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Yes, hourly. Things are only so slow because of corona. I can't complain though, it's easy money.

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That's why body cams are a thing, boss. Make sure to up the resolution :::^)

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I'll have 1 uhhh bat plane
Have you put your life savings on drumpf to win yet?
Subscribe to pewdiepie

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Admitedly I am young, I think.
Is that a price worth paying? I don't need much sleep to get by, by default.
Kaaay, will do, you as well CC!

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No, I haven't.

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Aren't you super rich, Florida boy?

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That's the spirit

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So whats up?
Ready for squishing?

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None of your business.

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what have you been working on cute

fill in the blank

"Between around 1880 and 1924, more than four million _____ immigrated to the United States"

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