What the fuck happened, Zig Forums?

What the fuck happened, Zig Forums?

The first time I visited Zig Forums was about 5 years ago, and compared to today alot of shit was different. TODAY I refresh the fucking page for the 1000000th time only to see Trap Threads, YLYL or Rekt Threads getting spammed by absolute bullshit or weak political discussions (or similiar shit) by edgelords that seem to insult everything they come across that isn't pure American heritage.

I don't know, it's not the same feeling. It's fucking whack. Why are the most people on here faggots? Get a grip of yourself, fuck those disgusting traps here, fuck those faggot traplovers here, fuck the basement faggots here.

It was better, not only is Zig Forums going to shit, the whole world is. And while I lost the hope in everything, I never lost the hope in Zig Forums, but now I did.

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And maybe none of you will even read this post, because you're too focused simping on a fucking ladyboy

gay faggots

>5 years ago

who cares, it's not as if oldfags are doing a better job by looking at tranny porn 24/7

>pure American heritage.

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It became shit 10 years ago

2015, was when all hope was lost. Zig Forums died long before that. The pornposters are bots and mentally ill faggots. The last few years were hard, and there is no stopping it. The Internet died years ago and the recent uprising in users on Zig Forums has not made it better. The only way of having lulz is to dwell in memory of the simpler times. After 8 c h a n was shutdown, I quit chans altogether. There is simply no way of changing this new generation into what we once were. We all stopped posting years ago, as time goes on and life catches up with you. I just stop by here once every few weeks, only to be disappointed again. If you want to help, start preserving what you love and be sure to spread it. You won't be here forever.

you're just in denial

go fuck a trap you faggot

serious reply

social media and reddit killed Zig Forums

Zig Forums was the 'home' before there were other 'homes' on the internet

now everyone is conditioned to scroll through their feeds, our old feed is dead.

Damn I could feel the sadness. I use to lurk Zig Forums 8 years ago, this place was never great... but it was something. Now.... it’s a bunch of young ppl that think they’re being edgy/smart.


>Zig Forums was the 'home' before there were other 'homes' on the internet
No, SA was, but that is dead too. And you're forgetting all the Usenet groups.

I started browsing in 2006, and I have to agree with you 100%. It's more sterile and mainstream now.

6 years ago I saw threads about how good /b used to be, how its not the same.
What do you know, you're still posting the same shit.

show your boi pussy

Zig Forums was never good anyone that says something else is a newfag

facebook and reddit already infiltrated newfag.

it was so much better when it was advice animals and dub-posting

Lol faggot. It's been dead for more than a decade

It's only getting worse and worse.
The people that posted this kind of shit 6 years ago would also be posting the same thing 6 years later, even hating it more than before.

I've been here since 06. It's always been shit. Period.
No its not. Your place in history isn't new or special.

Oh look it’s this thread again, bonus points for originality.

A l'instar d'internet, Zig Forums est mort en 2010. Youtube en 2016 et le reste survit a petit feu, ce n'est pas Zig Forums qui est mort, mais bien l'internet que nous avons connu.

>I never lost hope in Zig Forums, but now I did.

Dude, there are literally times when Zig Forums is ok. You gotta be at least logged on to notice.

But... Back then we we're young, or at least I was, I thought /b was edgy/smart too. Maybe /b is like music, it belongs to the younger generation...

4chins started to get shit 10 years ago when normies and newfags came here and started posting shit without lurking, then the glowniggers took over.

TBH I think the while reclaim /b idea has made the situation worse. It was fine before, but now we have ylyl threads going bananas resulting in more ylyl threads. Random spam by people thinking if there's more tranny porn /b will somehow wake up. Random gore in FF shit that everybody has just learned to scroll by by reflex...

It's kinda amazing a bunch of traplovers keep posting and posting and posting for months/years every day. Like, wow, they really have no life.
Actually, I feel a bit for her. They are like the pedofags, just a bunch of samefags trying to feel like the center of the board. Poor people.

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world's ending faggot get in line

come back when you have over 10 years

Nah bro, it ain't a troll thread. I just find it strange after coming again that Zig Forums is like reddit (OP here)

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i’ve been lurking Zig Forums since ‘05, and the one thing that is constant is the acceptance of the depravity and degeneracy of Zig Forums. one thing has changed, the YLYL threads are dumb as fuck, goddamnit i could snap.