My little sister accidently uploaded this picture and deleted it in a facebook group chat while she's at a sleepover...

My little sister accidently uploaded this picture and deleted it in a facebook group chat while she's at a sleepover. What's she holding?

Attached: kkk.jpg (588x578, 159.98K)

mustache trimmer

eyelash curler

It's an eyelash curler

post more and ill tell you

Eyelash curler.

looks like a eye lash curler

Circumcision machine.

It's a crack pipe

She is having an amateur abortion

What are you 11? Wtf were you hoping it was?

Some kind of eyelash thingey.

Something not bad.

Attached: kattscared.jpg (729x679, 76.99K)

that's a speculum

can also be used for circumcisons

Foreskin stretcher

wow these thots are trying to protect one of their own

Attached: cookuwice.jpg (773x675, 83.37K)

Pic is old like Zig Forums, stoopid.

it's an eyelash curler

The faggot thought it was a speculum

How old are you kid?

i think that is for food to flip food over and stuff

I should be worried if i was you. Thats a new trend on social media when holding something metallic at the mouth which lookslike in pic then it means she is secretly wishing for sexual black male dominance. Its trending on fb right now its a sign and a hint they desire black dick

its a forskin trimmer

Moar of her

Attached: Kaeyes.jpg (759x389, 46.45K)

This, your sis is a mohel

you're fucking dumb dude, now post some of her panties

Who is she?


But it is an eyelash curler. My wife got one. Really sticky and black.

my sister

Attached: Mebitchkat.jpg (778x565, 72.03K)

She has big front teeth because shes 13. So no nasty pics.

then you're fucking worthless

Thanks. You too.

If it isnt larp then you better post moar. Shes cute