Donald Trump is the greatest president the USA have ever had

Donald Trump is the greatest president the USA have ever had.

Strong and SMART leadership, eloquence and deep knowledge, empathy and a hands-on approach to the challenges AMERICANS face every day define his historical presidency.

Thanks to Trump's wisdom and competence in handling Covid-19, the USA is now leading the worldwide fight against the pandemic. Leaders from foreign countries are looking to Trump for guidance.

Donald Trump makes me and the vast majority of real Americans proud to be AMERICANS. Promises Made, Promises Kept.

Donald Trump support thread. MAGA2020

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Other urls found in this thread:

How’s that wall, I mean fence, I mean safety barrier coming on?

that’s funny. literally every single thing you said, (without fail), was the opposite of the truth.

its just bait

They’re working on it. Just like the Hillary charges.

stupid boomer copypasta

Cry more hipster

Attached: ThisIsYou.jpg (720x400, 24.06K)

>SMART leadership
SMART = Stupid Moronic Autistic Retarded Trump

"Hello fellow millipedes"

Oh look another dnc election campaign thread with a sudden influx of leftist shills

What does your chart say to say in response to this?

Gonna be a long 9 more terms when trump refuses to leave office and starts executing trans people and making people work 40 hours a week.

Attached: 1560312991633.jpg (647x753, 117.96K)

>Donald Trump is the greatest president the USA have ever had.

Attached: troompy.gif (480x320, 1.41M)

Oh look another Trumpetard

>Oh look another dnc election campaign thread
please explain why the democrats would make a pro trump thread like this

He's not as bad as the gay guy that left in '17, but that's about all I can say.

Hey Tenda, no black cocks to post? You worthless son of a noodle eating whore. No wonder your dad split when he had the chance

Attached: tenda_spencer.jpg (1024x768, 231.13K)

He’s responsible for almost 100K dead Americans

Man is none of those things.

Im EU and i think this shit is hilarious, watching your country go to shit over your hatred for brown people. Its hilarious

>your dad split
He died from cancer, you fucktard.

He needs to be charged with 100,000 counts of negligent homicide

Traps aren't gay

Fuck you and your god damned political horseshit you fucking faggot apes, go to /pol. Nobody gives a rats ass. The board exists for a reason, get moving trash.

Dumb cunts can't grasp the concept that the person they either love completely or hate equally is dumber than a hunk of shit and not even remotely in charge of anything. Fuck the fucking fuck off back to /pol where you belong.



This. Fuck sakes. Tired of seeing /pol shit in here.

found the newfag

All this is true...

Politician hate him because he is outside their influence!

He is doing great things. The Washington establishment - political and Media moguls - do their best to discredit him.

It's unfortunate moronic Democrats eat this up like soup from the soup kitchen....

Attached: trumpmask.png (780x438, 201.11K)

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Thanks for trying. By now you really have to tone it down a bit, if you want to bate anyone.

What’s up with his eyebrows?

This user is the greatest poster Zig Forums has ever had.

Strong and SMART posts, eloquence and deep knowledge, empathy and a hands-on approach to the topics anons face every day define his historical posting.

Thanks to this user's wisdom and competence in commenting on Covid-19, Zig Forums is now leading the worldwide discussion about the pandemic. Posters from other image boards are looking to this user for guidance.

This user makes me and the vast majority of real anons proud to be ON Zig Forums. Bullshit promised, Bullshit delivered.

faek and ghey

wingnut insanity

found another newfag

The stupid runs deep.

if injecting detol is smart then the world is fucked

puddi puddi bitch

still a newfag

eat shit, puddifag