Girlfriend just told me she changed her mind and wants the relationship to be more casual...

girlfriend just told me she changed her mind and wants the relationship to be more casual. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? why do i feel hurt

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Lmao you got retroactively friend-zoned.

Fake and Jewish / Gay.

changed her mind about what? be more casual.. from what? clarify more bro but fromw hat you told me she's afraid of commitment and doesn't want to escalate things further out of fear of not getting experience out of life

Shuttup faggot, post more ass.

lol shes getting fucked by someone else.

Sounds like she wants to fuck other guys or has been doing that already. And will break up with you shortly.

She's going to leave you for a whirl on the cock carousel. I'm sorry, bro

Basically your “girl” just said “hey, let’s pretend to date but don’t take it seriously” your girl is probably getting fucked by some random nigger right now


She wants to fuck other people but still be able to get benefits of having you as her ATM and attention/favor dispenser.

she no longer wants to put in more effort into the relationship, stuff like fufilling my needs

how do i go about treating it casual if i haven't been

that's the confusing bit because i've made it clear that if she wants to have the relationship be casual then i'm going to put in little to no effort and basically just mirror her

Break up with her.

When women say this it means she's no longer attracted to you and wants to fuck other people.

OP listen closely okay. DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY TEXT OR CALLS BLOCK HER COMPLETELY. Listen to my instructions and everything will be fine faggot.

bros send help it hurts how do i get over this

You know, if she's not that into you, you can just treat her like a cum dump until she leaves you. Just fuck the shit out of her.

Well if that photo was real oh and your story then who could blame her. Look at her and look at you. Your here spending your hours on Zig Forums whist she looks like that. Enough said.

its over for you two, move on and find better

OP listen closely. You must purge all thoughts of ever retaining a healthy relationship with her . she is trying to or already is cucking you faggot. Delete all photos pictures friends contacts anything thing that reminds you of her. Move the fuck on they're so many women in this world it's really not worth getting cucked by a slut. What would your father think? Listen to my instructions and everything will be fine

its okay bro, happens to all of us
this isnt anything you did wrong, this is the girl being someone you didnt think she was.
Go back on Tinder or somehting else and find more women to talk to
alternatively spend time on your own and work out
dont stress over this woman

t. serial monogamist

she wants the BBC

Dump the whore like last week's trash Zig Forumsro

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Definitely this

Probably fake / kike thread, but if not, she just wants to ride the cock carousel, OP. Move on and find a trad wife.

Non mongomy is painful at first. But the way you describing it it was a one way decision so no trust in that relationship. Definitely a cucking. You could create a toxic relationship where you make sure she sees you hooking up with someone hotter than her. Unfortanetly for you desperation is actually disgustingly unnattractive so youre kind of screwed either way unless youre a really good liar. Cut off the infected limb and move on. Dont rationalize your cucking.


she's been a god awful girlfriend for the most part, the only reason why i was still with her was because she said she was willing to work on herself and improve, the relationship definitely has been one sided and just shite
dunno why it's hitting me hard when all that's the case

shes telling you she wants to fuck other people and not you

cut her from your life

>dunno why it's hitting me hard
Your pride.

Do exactly this. It's the same advice women are given when dealing with a manipulative partner.

People dont change barring traumatic events. You gotta find a girlfriend whos issues meld well with yours. if they dont walk away fam. But yeah heartbreak fucking sucks. Can easily stick with you for a year. Hell it makes people bitter for the rest of their lives sometimes. But you can get over it. It gets easier. AND ITS SO FUCKING UNPREDICTABLE. Sometimes you in love with a girl for years you break up feel nothing. Other times you date for 2 months and youre fucking rekt for a year. Chin up user. Shes not the one.

ah that actually makes sense

It’s good because if you’re hurt that’s why she left but you get to heal while she gets to realize she won’t find a bbc blowbang gang to fuck her to death immediately and agree with her. (Yes we live in a society that somehow reassured them they’re loved and wanted as women for more than sex, and you somehow believed it more than her. That’s why she’s leaving.)

That means u are being cucked hard, right to your face... Pathetic.

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Dump her and regain your pride

She's basically letting you know that she is looking for someone better but can fall back on you if you find out or she doesn't find someone.