Wear this you pussies

Wear this you pussies

Attached: ur,mask_three_quarter,square,1000x1000.jpg (1000x1000, 97.24K)

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I don't wear a mask lmao

because your mouth already looks like butthole?

no because im not a scared little bitch and i also understand that a mask wont save you..

you're an idiot.

me either it will hopefully kill me it's the perfect excuse to end my life without committing suicide which would devastate mother

AUSTRALIA doesn’t wear masks and has the best response to Wuhan Virus of just about any country worldwide.

Australia, FUCK YEAH

Wear mask, go to bank, demand things. What could go wrong?


Attached: mask.jpg (477x268, 10.85K)

found the black guy

see ya at walmart, bae



fuck you and your cuckmask, kike

Funny, first politicians said that masks don't help at all, now we are obligated to wear those

You wearing a mask is not about protecting you, retard.

Yeah bro wear that mask
But you touch all of your grocery items and then the cashier touches all of your grocery items
(behind a plexiglass shield KEK)
And you take home those items
How the fuck can’t people see this is a political hoax/power grab ?


LOL you aren't leaving the stuff you buy at the grocery story in quarantine for at least 3 days before touching anything?

Oh great, I haven't seen a reminder in the last 7 minutes. Thank you OP for making sure the rape goblins didn't sprout out of the ground and force one on me.

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Here to save the motherfuckin day yeah!

lemme guess, it's about protecting others from the ghost virus I don't have

Fuck those guys either way.

>a mask wont save you
It literally will. And no not a HEPA filter, just a regular surgical mask

Thanks lol

Yes it is. Nearly every Asian is wearing a mask... and they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. They don't care about anyone else. Masks are about self protection and you are a fool if you dont wear one in an outbreak

Holy shit glow nigger do you actually think people read without thinking? Some people I guess are retarded ....
Nigger did you not read where I said if someone goes into a store with covid everything they touch has covid.
Mask or not.
Fucking nigger

Wearing one makes you a pussy!!
little baby scared of germs?

Yeah. If the outbreak was actually real and people were actually dying and it wasn’t a government hoax designed to take away freedoms.

Attached: 3AF8D9CE-5A7E-41BC-828D-AA04B2DE0D43.jpg (768x1024, 88.89K)

This, what a bunch of pussies scared of something literally less lethal than the flu if you are under age 80. And honestly no I don’t give a fuck about the people who are living past normal age expectancy. I can’t wait to cash in on that cheap ass real estate.

A mask would help, anyone who doesn’t think so is an idiot. But don’t listen to me, I like to live dangerously.

Anyway, this is good practice for a real disease, not saying it’s all fake just that it’s not too deadly.

mask faggots

It mainly stops you coughing and spreading it to others. Has very minimal impact in reducing the chance of you catching it in most cases. That is unless you have a proper mask that tightly fits with a filter that you change after every use.

But these cloth masks and loose surgical ones will have no impact.

Will be wearing this to a job interview next week wish me luck

They have a massive impact.

The amount of viral transmission from airborne particles is so close to zero it might as well not be a statistic. Social distancing means most sneezes hit the ground before you walk through a cloud of snot.

The biggest transmission is through hand to mouth / eyes / mucous membranes. Masks stop you touching your mouth just after you touch *that* door handle

Asians aren't stupid or into wasting money.

They work.

Wear one.