Practice social distancing™

>Practice social distancing™
>A new normal™
>Flatten the curve™

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>getting pegged by gf because you cant get it up

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well, then get the plague and die, you retarded faggot

go look at more panic porn

I don't get why people think this is linked with soy bois.

Like I don't have an issue making fun of simps or cucks or whatever, just how do those things relate to being afraid of disease?

Who do you think is manipulating people into social distancing, and what do they stand to gain from it?

americans have room temp IQ and think its largely a conspiracy

he's retarded. no use trying to reason with him

the only people who want the lockdown to continue indefinitely are the people who are getting unemployment cheques to sit on their ass

lololol i aint been doing shit they said cause it be like yo if i die i die no fucks givith..

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some people don’t even realize they’re essentially removing 1-2 years from the prime of their lives just to save some geriatrics who are at death’s door and maybe a few boomers.

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OP Answer the fucking question

>removing 1-2 years from the prime of their lives
we're not going into fucking hibernation nigger

i literally can’t do anything i like to do because of the restrictions in place

also the bitter old people who don’t want young people to enjoy life

u can do w/e u want what they gonna do... thats what ppl dont get... i do anything and everything fuck the law and police it means shit.. have fun life is short

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what about going to see a movie? travelling? seeing a concert or sporting event? can’t do any of those right now

>it's a hoax!
>muh freedums!

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no one is saying it’s a hoax

u can still get fucked up and chill with ya homies... im from the south so its not like NY... im getting my passport next month.. play a drinking game strip tetris something lmao

>essentially removing 1-2 years from the prime of their lives
Holy fucking nigger balls, talk about being entitled. The modern civilization based largely on behaving within established ethics that doubled your life expectancy and allowed you to be exposed to 100x more meaningful information per day; now restricting your freedoms!

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OP isn't answering because he doesn't even know his own opinion

could be a gov shill twatta is crawling with em why not here *shrugs*

>I’ve been practicing for this my whole life

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What the fuck were you going to do, anyhow?

just because you don’t have a life doesn’t mean others don’t

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I didn’t know Zig Forums was a bunch of cucks.

>t.lost boomer
If boomers weren't such selfish, insufferable cunts maybe people wouldn't choose haircuts over their lives.

Probably because America was founded on a conspiracy, manly conspiring against the British monarchy. Things turn up all the time that are conspiracies but true. MK Ultra for instance, turned out to be true. Operation Northwoods, which allegedly never got passed, but was an operation considered by the US government to stage acts of terror on American soil to get us ramped up against Cuba. Some of the suggestions involved destroying American landmarks, including the twin towers. So, when you laugh at conspiracies remember there were people laughing at previous conspiracies that turned out to be true.

I’m not suggesting believing all conspiracies, not even most , make your own decisions, but mainly don’t deny and act like your woke when there is verifiable conspiracies in the world all the time