Every girl has their price

Every girl has their price.

It's funny but I put it to practice a couple days ago. There's this chick that is a mutual friend, never met her. I added her on my fake instagram and messaged. Got talking, decided to tell her shes hot and that I would pay to see more of her. The money was obviously enough to sway her and she agreed. I've now got a few pics and videos.

Any other Zig Forumsros done anything similar? The pics were well worth it. They are premium as hell. The idea that this isnt just some onlyfans slut I paid $10 to see a few nudes. But a real girl, not a cheap whore turns me on a lot. The whole idea that she would have never considered doing something like that, but the money gets the better of her is GREAT.

I feel this must be an activity/pasttime enjoyed by the wealthy man when he hasnt got a whore to fuck. What is this called, there must be others that just proposition women like this and collect the nudes.
I want to build a collection.

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I love this concept, as well as the girl! Have you any more?

I’ve done it with a few girls I know. Both exes of friends. This is probably my favorite

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How much did they cost you?

This isnt the girl. I would love to post her, but sadly I know people that know her browse here and I dont want to stabd the chance of fucking this arrangement just yet.

Oh yeah? This is her then? Did she jump straight into the pussy pics? Ive only got tit pics and mirror shots with ger panties on and a video of her deepthroating a dildo. She's nervous about showing her pussy but she said shes thinking about it.

I have tried this on other girls. And insta either blocks tbe message as it thinks its spam or the girl wont even listen. If they do listen and you have the budget you are kind of in.

All women are whores.

I have paid her something like $200 total so far. I have maybe 5 pictures and a video.

all women that dont want you are whores

>paying girls for nudes

Nothing more beta

Shame, I was really enjoying the fact that you'd bought her and could share her as you wanted now

alpha as fuck

How is having enough money to pay a premium to see people naked beta? It's literally what all rich people do - money is a magnet.

Wanna try a few girls I know?

>Every girl has their price.
>the girl wont even listen

so, which is it?

i do sort of the same thing, but with bras instead of pictures i look for girls that seem innocent, not your average camwhore, and ask how much it would take for them to sell one to me. most are kind of taken aback at first, but money talks.

ALL women are prostitutes. Trust me. I've found a way to get into the pants of any woman.
See a hot woman in the club? I have a way you can guarantee yourself to get to fuck her that night.
Worked for me many years and I fucked many.
Women are easy. Learn to use them.

A friend at university, a "good girl" (religious, no drinking, virgin for 3 years at uni) told me she'd sell her virginity to a man for $5k, but she joked shed give me an offer for $1k. "Joked", lol. She invited me to sleep in her bed "just don't try anything teehee". I didn't go there, I had better options.
Eventually she lost it to a mutual friend and then stared hooking up on Craigslist.
Even the good girls are whores.

Every. Single. Woman. Alive. Is. A. Whore.

OF COURSE they all have a price.

They ALL have a price and men should learn to exploit the whore in every woman.
They are just sex objects.

Paying a girl who's already an e-thot is beta.
Making a "I'm not like that, user" girl into a slut is a power trip. You just turned someone who thought she was daddy's little girl into a whore and she fucking knows it, no matter how much she deludes herself that "it was just once", "it's ironic", "it's empowering".
No, you sold yourself. Welcome to whoredom.

I've been doing this with feet pics, which it seems girls are alot more open to than nudes. I fucking love it

Who do you ask? Do you just hit up random instagram girls, or is it people you find though facebook...or?

not always true. my girlfriend sells content like skype shows and cock ratings and the like but she refuses to sell feet pics

I have a burner insta and twitter, I've messaged girls I know from real life from both of them. The real trick is finding girls with public profiles that you can send DMs to without having to follow or get approved.

thats really weird man lol

Bras seem a lot more satisfying than pics

I legit want to do it to a friend of mine. She needs money for things, I know she does.

Fucking kids. Always thinking they know how to get pussy more than the previous generation.
useless cunts.

I have a sure fire way to get to fuck any woman you meet. Guaranteed.
Good luck kids. You know better.

Want to take a crack at a girl I know

Its both.

Because every girl will listen, it depends how long they listen for. Most will shut you down early. When they say "how much?" You got them if the price is right.

sure you got a kik


I'm not paying for shit, im talking with a stripper kinda she always asking abt cash app im like yo i can go get some pussy free so wtf.. i support her hustle tho cause i always be like get yo money.. and with the virus she has to network.. she bad asf thoughts?

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FistFun89 ?

Not the op you are addressing, but he's right. They are ALL selling it for what they want. There's the occasional skut who likes it so much she gives it away for nothing, but they are rare. Rape enrages women mostly because it is theft. They don't get to collect their pay

No, what's yours


Yeah she started with tits too but quickly moved to the good shit, she’s always been a slut. I had already seen her tits before bc of a drunk night at a pool, tits fell out lmao so I knew they were nice af

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How much did you offer??

Oh Mr. Sandman will you enlighten us or just be an eternal icon of unjustified narcissism as it has always existed

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Offered her what she suggested. Varied based on what

How did you make the payment?