Jesus Christ, how can potheads smoke skunk daily for years without end...

Jesus Christ, how can potheads smoke skunk daily for years without end? It's my first weed-free day since a month maybe and I finally have some cohesive thoughts in my brain.

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Nice trips but no one cares about you


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You're irrelevant to even those close to you.

I get bored easily

I enjoy reading but unless I'm high I don't have the willpower or focus to sit and be absorbed in text

I'm an angry mf when sober. Last time I wasn't high I put my head through the window in the front door because my neighbors were playing loud music

Well OP, my motto is, A dab a day keeps the suicidal thoughts away. Been the motto for the past like 7 years.

Fuck I wish, if you could only convince my mother...

I wake up angry as fuck every day so it helps get me to a functional level
Tried ssris and seroquel for years but they didnt really help, they were sending me in a downward spiral
I think I probably just have too much energy

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lemon haze

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People get addicted, just like any other substance. I put myself in a weed coma for about 2 years straight until I started getting hardcore schizo side effects and had to stop. Better off quitting while you're ahead. I still crave weed every day.

Also do t kid yourself one day free of weed is nothing to be proud of. It takes months, you really will be surprised how much more energy you have day after day. Shit makes you lazy and the only ones who say it doesn’t are potheads who still smoke.
Keep it up user quitting will do so much more for you.

Watched my ex wife turn into a fucking weirdo. Even told her to tone it down because she wasn’t clear headed and she said.. and I quote.
>I smoke indica; it’s not a head high
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
It.’s just like anything though, some people can handle it like a normal adult and some can’t. I tend to see people with some sort of issue are the super burnouts

Hahaha, such a retarded thing. Holy fuck, I only smoke every weekend. I think it's better that way.

I mean I’m all for do whatever you want, it’s your body. But Christ man when you spend all day high, it’s a problem

if that happened from weed then you already had underlying mental problems, weed just isn't that much of a drug

OP here, yeah I've never met anyone who went schizo on weed, but it CLEARLY makes you emotionally detached, gives you a "flattened affect" and in general makes people who were previously talkative/decisive/funny turn into "chill" zombies, even when they are not high.

Wow you must already be naturally retarded.
Not only myself, but I know many different programmers that even focus better on their programming after they smoke.

These are people who already know what they are doing of course weed isn't for learning but if you couldn't pull off a single cohesive thought while high then while you're not high you must be just over the border of mentally retarded.

Nice trips op but honestly, don't quit your job at McDonald's and don't forget the extra onions next time loser.

you are a special kind of stupid

You're almost me, user. Seroquel really fucked me up. I'm OCD, Bipolar and borderline schizo, so do the math.

>"I'm mad but I know you're right... I'll say he's a big dummy head, that'll show'em."

No doubt. It won’t really fuck with a regular person too much but if someone already has those little tweaks up in the ol’ noodle it’s definitely going to make them worse to be perma stoned
>emotionally detached
Yeah that was definitely the case. It’s pretty pathetic but weed legit ruined her life. Last I heard her new dude beat her ass and caught a domestic battery charge.

Nice bait turbovirgin

Come on man, its marijuana... No one is impressed by it, and the only people that see it as anything more intense than alcohol are Christfags and retards.

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read a book of myths.
I shit you not.
The myths are the scaffolding of a functioning mind, usually given deep in childhood.
If you have this issue, either you've not explored the myths enough, or never had them read to you at all.
You mind is like a pissed off toddler, who's not understood his place in the cosmic order.
It's ok to blame your parents if they didn't read them to you.
If you dont understand them... that on you.

Imagine having this much butthurt over your own addiction, while also being an adult who draws so much fun from using the word "retarded"

Imagine being this triggered over other peoples interests.
New levels of pathetic, Find a hobby that isn't being a faggot lmao

I stopped using the labels, they diagnosed me with major depression, anxiety disorder, and OCD but I think it was bullshit. I feel it stemmed from being furious from feeling different from everyone else and it sent me into a negative feedback loop of turbovirginism

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>he actually created a response to call smoking weed a hobby

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Ha! So true. Fuck this guy


I like this post.
I read a really cool book on Norse myths I found in the library in 7th grade and it always stuck with me.

some ppl also shouldnt drink

Never read myths, just the shitty internet kind. I feel my purpose is still becoming apparent, but I have goals to drive me to it. I havent even started though as I'm still in college and ive never had a girlfriend. I want to have a wife and a lot of kids, Im having trouble getting started as I have no experience dating or anything. Once I achieve this goal I my soul shall calm

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>implying I'm suggesting smoking weed was a hobby and not just something you should to distract yourself from being a societal Karen faggot that nobody likes.