Am I gonna die

Am I gonna die

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Oh my god, where did it come from?

My ass

Don't use big dildos

it looks like what comes out after you pull the tissue out of your bloody nose. a disgusting thick wormy thing thats pretty heavy. should be fine

It’s from my ass.

Yes. You are going to die. We all are. That's what sad life we live knowing we are going to die soon. Enjoy!

Have you had this before? And have you had problems with going to the toilet and stuff or is this just the first time you have had problems with it?

First time. I have hemorrhoids tho. I posted because I’m color blind and couldn’t tell how bloody it was or if it was just real black.

It's very red which I believe indicates that it came from a lower point in the intestinal tract. It could be the hemorrhoids, or you could have bleeding in the colon or a little further up the large intestine. If I saw that amount of blood I would go to the doctor, but you could give it a few more days and if it persists I'd strongly recommend going to the doctor.

go to a doctor as soon as you can OP, no one wants you dead

I do

It definitely is alot of blood, did it hurt or did it just get out of there like nothing happened? This is alot of blood for a person, even if you have hemorrhoids :/ i would definitely keep eyes on it for the following days. It doesn't necessary have to be deadly, but if it continues you should get it checked out definitely. Just stay safe and don't be stupid, i also wouldn't recommend you to start touching down there because it could get worst. Good luck :) xx

Bright red blood is most likely from a hemorrhoid popping, if its very dark and clotty then be worried
keep the area very clean and if the bleeding continues more then 2 times after using the bathroom seek medical help bud

Holy shit me too OP but not as much blood feels like I’m shifting razor blades

I mean I was just shitting and went to wipe and it felt really wet so I looked at it. Didn’t hurt or anything. But the hemorrhoids do hurt occasionally.

That looks like when I got a fissure.

That a hemorrhoid popping for sure then,
keep the area very clean
limit your shitting for a bit

Alright then, just stay vigilant and only get worried if it gets worst

I've shit a lot of blood in my day and pissed a lot out too
you'll be fine Op
just take care of the area

Should I go to the doc or just see what happens next time I take a shit?

Just see what happens, if it gets worst or if it continues get some medical help. ^-^

Bruh I don’t think pissing blood is okay? U good dawg?

With 100% certainty

Very well could be Crohn's disease or a variety of it


Yeah I'm not sure pissing blood is ever ok.

Tell you what though OP, if your insurance would cover it a colonoscopy is never a bad thing, at least from a medical perspective.

we can only hope

i once drank a 2x1cm glass shard from a bottle, shit was full of blood the next day but after a day it stopped and the shard seemed to left my body. A friend of my mom whose a nurse said that i have to go to the ER if it doesnt stop after a day

I get this every now and then, usually you get a small tear in your butthole that keeps re ripping every time you shit. It will go away after a few days, might even get worse for a bit. Sometimes I would have blood literally pouring out of my ass.

Solution was: eat more fibre. Literally you're not eating enough vegetables.

If you go to a doctor they will probably just tell you is hemorrhoids and make you do a pointless colonoscopy.

This is normal, either hemmorhoids or a fissure because you exerted to much pressure. You"ll be fine, try to shit a little less and next time you find there's no blood, let your shit come out slowly.