Alright Zig Forums

Alright Zig Forums

When you wake up tomorrow morning and find you're in your childhood bedroom. You're 12 years old again, it's the start of summer. Except you're a girl now, you even have some of girl you's memories along with your own.

So, what do you do now?
How do you live your life?

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Post my tits on Zig Forums

fuck older teenagers

I guess I get to work dyking it up as a massive dyke. Also tell my parents to invest in apple / microsoft because I was 12 in 1989.

Go into porn and make a lot more money than I could ever imagine being a dude.

live out my biggest dream and become a massive slut.

I'd sell my nudes to pedos online. And when I get older I'd become a total slut. Assuming I'm not hideous that is.

Learn hair/makeup skills. Being bi as a girl has always been more socially acceptable in the US than as a guy, so no worries. Definitely be less loudmouthed and know it all, generally make less of an ass of myself. Better social graces, I don't become a shut-in fatass in my teens..
Definitely NEVER go into any kind of call center work.

Definitely live a better life, mostly due to having lived through 1983 - 2020 already.

Armed with the knowledge of an adult, and gifted with youth and gender of a young lady, I'd pretty much do what I'm doing now with my life, but I'd utilize my sexuality and my knowledge of the future to benefit me.

I'd get in shape, make myself as appealing as possible, pursue a career in modeling while compounding my education with business school.
Then I'd pursue wealth and power, while selling my eggs on the side (they can range from $10k-$100k, depending on "desirable" you are).

Basically, I'd be a Bene Gesserit, without the superpowers.

>while selling my eggs on the side (they can range from $10k-$100k, depending on "desirable" you are).
Shit really?

I'd just buy bitcoin in like 2010

I tried this. You make alot less than you would think. In fact, it ended up costing me money.

The money is in premium snap / onlyfans now.

porn porn is a con job.

Yeah, have you seen the girls after a couple years of porn. Just sell your pics/used underwear/bath water and not degrade yourself like that?

That'd definitely be a good idea, buy it low and sell it high, then buy it again after it falls.

More options are better than less, when it comes to getting your money.

I did a single porn photoshoot.

I got stuck with the hotel bill, got stuck paying the cost of the flight home (which basically was the entire $1500 i got paid), was give weed laced with something by one of the production staff at a post-shoot party... Woke up the next morning in the bathroom floor of my hotel room with no idea what happened... The single series of pics i did ended up behind a paywall on a sketchy eastern european shemale pay site. Never got near the views i would have just posting to reddit or onlyfans. When i told the talent manager i wasn't interested in doing anymore shoots, i got threatened with lawsuits and blackmail.

avoid the porn industry like the plague.

I like the way that everyone here assumes that they'll be attractive as a girl

>I'd just buy bitcoin in like 2010
You wouldn't even have to buy, back at the start you could CPU mine pretty easily.

Nice, so I'm still pan sexual but now female. I'd put on one of my pretty skirts and a nice tshirt. I would start playing with my commodore 64 again that I had at that time.


To borrow an old phrase, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.

To put it more precisely, unless they've developed poorly, a girl can become far more attractive with the right combination of diet, exercise and makeup.

You can't make your tits bigger (unless you're willing to get implants) but you can make your butt better by doing squats, and thicc thighs are also nice. Working out your core is also a good idea, as is avoiding unhealthy foods and portions.

Most women don't do this, because most women lack the know-how, the willpower, and the desire to improve themselves.

Do retain all of the knowledge and skills that I acquired since 12? Can I still play guitar and code and whatnot?

That's actually a good point, do I stay straight, so am now attracted to men, or do I stay attracted to women and am now gay?

Your right about wearing dresses etc. Girls have all the best clothes.

lots of truth here.

I'd add that i was 4'11 and 120lbs BEFORE i transitioned. When your small and feminine before becoming a girl, you make a cuter girl. I feel for guys that are like 6'4 200lbs that want to transition. They got a heck of an uphill battle to fight in order to ever come close to passing.

>Your right about wearing dresses etc. Girls have all the best clothes.

Holy fuck yes. I got myself in like $5,000 in debt after i transitioned on clothes alone

Trips of truth

Even then, most fat/ugly girls can still get laid pretty easily. You'd have to be particularly fugly to fail at that.

>BEFORE i transitioned

Post pics.

Jam a bowling pin up my asshole.

First thing id do is masturbate, id shove anything I could find resembling a penis in my house up my pussy and see what itd feel like to get penetrated, most likely taking my own virginity. If I was sexually mature, Id dress up in the shortest skirt I own, call up a boy id know and go to his house and suck his cock and let him fuck me, id become a slut tbh

>Except you're a girl now

this is what i did right after i started to transition. Got heavy into camming/porn, dressed slutty all the time, hooked up with dozens of guys. Honestly i mostly regret that period of my life now.

Ive wanted to be a woman all my life, I even CD and all, but I am forced to live a normal life and be a man due to culture and shit, but honestly I fucking hate it, I just want to be girly and pretty, have my toes does all the time and get big cocks in me, and for men to buy me anything I want just because I have a pussy.. women have it easy