I have a competition in which I have to print a drone that will fall the slowest with all aerodynamic components TO BE 3D PRINTED. The only thing that doesn't have to be 3d printed are the drone components like motors, battery, pcb, etc. (duh). I have limited time to reach the 30ft HEIGHT LIMIT, afterwords POWER MUST BE SHUT OFF. This is my design, its an autogyro which spins freely on its own. Is this the best way to get the slowest decent? Any better ideas or ways to improve?

All feedback appreciated!

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1612x837, 404.01K)

Wtf am I looking at?

I feel it's a good idea for the decent part but it could throw it off balance once it's flying up

This is the top view. Remember those "flying paper helicopters" with 2 rotors? That is basically it, but mine has 6 rotors.
That is what I am thinking too, I'm printing it off right now and hopefully that instability lets me still reach my height constraint

Use the pcb to build in a switch that launches out a parachute when the power is cut.


Attached: helic.jpg (1286x1003, 78.2K)

Turn the wings upside a bit so most of the wings are over the center of mass (batterie), then it should go down stable
I guess the wings are angled clock or counterclockwise?

It might make it harder for the drone going up since it will always have to compensate for a yaw input but if it rises on the limited time you have you're good.

Can you use parachutes or does it all have to be rigid 3D print?

If you can maybe make the blades on the frame smaller so you still get that helicopter affect but with less resistance

Since this is just energie conservation make the blades wider as they get further from the drone, this will maximize momentum gained and the faster the drone spins the slower it will fall.

If the body is simetric the controller may be able to adjust to the disturbance caused while going up but thats depending on the type of control and power available to the drone, this is a very good idea tho

trips of truth

You idiots don't understand that it's not producing lift, right? go read about autorotation

OP here

Everything expect the drone components should be 3D printed, meaning a parachute wouldn't work. I have been able to print 0.1 [mm] sheets, but they don't handle well folded.
This was my initial idea, a maple leaf. I assumed having more rotors would allow me for the ability to add a frame. 2 rotors would be difficult adding a pcb and battery.
Everything will be printed flat, I can manually bend the wings if needed. I've done some experiments and see that I get a "faster rotary" motion if I bend the wings counter clockwise.
Everything must be 3d printed, so no cloth or paper.
I have seen that a longer blade length gives me longer air time, but at the cost of air resistance. lll try to find a sweet spot.
THANK YOU. I will 100% try this and see how it works!
Thank you

My improvements

Attached: 1590087954311.png (2132x836, 426.82K)

Ill have to change quite a bit on the frame, but this seems very promising. Appreciate it a ton


Make the blades extend when it enters a spin.

Not sure how I can achieve that but good idea

Just like a sleeve on each.

really good idea, i will try it! THANKS

>asking this on Zig Forums
>and not on /sci/

not gonna make it

Actually they could slide OUT of the blades and then unfold.

Why do you think this design is better, again? It falls the slowest?

How about when it's not falling, does it fly worse? What do the parts that make it fall slower do when you want it to rise vertically? I would think they resist it, meaning you're wasting energy.

Overall, is the drone heavier, and with more air resistance? Then it's a worse design. Direct your engineering chops toward improving existing drones so they don't fall, not into making one that falls better.

Build a system to change autogyro's blades pitch, so they're vertical while ascent.

Attached: Schematic-of-Variable-Pitch-Propeller-VPP-System.png (403x299, 10.09K)

Something like this:

Attached: Untitled.png (1000x600, 110.89K)

The screw will stay locked the blades in place when power is off, so the pitch will be constant during descent.

Attached: 1588141528439.png (100x100, 34.95K)

Thank you all for the suggestions, carefully noting and attempting most suggestions.

never messed with any of these components before, but I will take a look.

Be sure to weigh it before hand and after all your additions, so you can understand how drastically you're hobbling your drone just to make it fall better.

Nice concept. Reduce the gyro blades to only three. Google search "airfoil data base" and select a high lift low drag profile. Blades should be about 2/3 radius of the rotor length. Surface area close to the hub will create parachute drag and make it unstable and less blade mass will reduce weight. If you can, design blades to pitch up in a conical angle and slight leading edge down for the airfoil, simple pivots, stops and pins. Search helicopter rotor dynamics for conical angle. Research airfoil for best angle of attack. Balance the craft and rotor.

Why coning? For stability?

Lots of helpful information, thank you very much