Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread!

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread!

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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is it normal for guys to cray after sex?


*blocks your bed*

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How does pic related make you feel?

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Call the cops because there's a gross nigger in my house?

....is it supposed to make me feel anything?

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what is the context of those numbers?

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that beast would have ripped your narrow ass apart, you pesky peckerwood.

thank mr bok

Hence why I'd be even more inclined to call the cops

this shows us that women hate men (and gay homosexuals in particular).

women indeed have a *lesbian butch* side. in fact, it would appear that *most* women tend towards lesbianism and masculinity.

h h… ha ha haaaahahahahaaa you'd have been long dead, mr jones. call all you like!

Do girls want sex or not? People tell me girls don't want sex, they just want love, and they have sex with you is not because they enjoy it but because they love you.

Thank mr bok

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and thank you!

Top 20 imdb movies ranked by men and women.

You still alive?

thonk book

Why the fuck is there a monkey in the house

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Would you suck a black dick if it was required to save your father's life?

Mr jones....? I'm a chick.




Ugh idk user. I hate those questions

you might like it tho

So you're a fucking coomer?

femanon here. I just found this board from a friend who said to check it out. It's a little more harsh then I'm used to but I like the anonymous part. So I have a question. I just turned 18. Been dating a boy for 1 month and he is pressuring me to fuck him and give him a blowjob. I've given him handjobs and it's kinda messy. I'm scared to taste it honestly plus it looks gross and slimy. I really dont want it near my mouth but I also dont want sex yet. When he finishes I think he is trying to hide it in Hope's it will hit me in the face. He like twists and moves when he is close so it's aimed at me. He twitches right before so I move or aim it away but I think I he is trying to hit me. I suppose he is using me as a sex object and doesnt care. Think I should dump him or am I being a cunt

What are some things I should plant in my garden if I want to get pussy? Should I plant things that look like penises? Would that creat the impression that I've got a nice sick? Or will that make me look gay?

I can assure you I wouldn't

The fuck is a coomer? I can't keep up with you kids and your slang

Come on bitch, do you vocaroo thing

>tits not required

You're gay

sounds like a guy just being a guy. You clearly have less experience than him from the sounds of it so just voice that out. No need to keep your thoughts all inside. Let him know its stuff you've never done before so he needs to chill and let you do stuff at your own pace. If he can't accept that then dump him. Simple.


You're not being a cunt, you're probably right that he just sees you as an object, and it doesn't sound like you're that into him either. It would probably be the best for both of you if you dump him.

Don't do anything you're uncomfortable with, though many on here may say otherwise you're not obligated to.

Sorry, I'm only 20, and I've never been with any girls, I'm clueless.Thank you so much for the first-hand information.

Give me something that's worthy of a vocaroo? If its a dumb question I'm not exactly gonna waste my energy in a vocaroo

That is incredibly retarded, you're not going to signal women with phallic plants. Just have a well tended and diverse garden my dude; some will think you're gay, but the one's who know what's up will be impressed and attracted to a man who isn't insecure.

Don't listen to these whoores user. That's a great plan

Thanks. I think it's me being to shy and not really liking him. Part of it too is he expects handjobs but wont finger me or touch me. He said only good girls get that and I need to earn it... sigh

I can answer questions too if anyone is interested but keep in mind I'm boring

We can't tell it's you unless you reply with vocaroo

What's your favourite thing about being in a relationship & what's your biggest turn on?

Do you girls like Jungkook? What about Jimin?


Fine. What is your opinion of transgenderism and what will you do if your kid says they are trans and demands operations and shit. Them tells the teachers they demand trans rights

It really sounds like he just sees you as an object. TBH I think the best thing to do is break up with him. I really feel like he's just going to hurt you otherwise.

i wanna coom in your coffee

why are you on Zig Forums and not a superior blue board?