Why do people piss in bottles?

>why do people piss in bottles?

It's not like i'm too lazy or anxious to piss in my toilet which is right across from my bedroom.

I usually fill up two 2ltr bottles a day and I bring them to this teenager hangout spot by an old castle.
idk why I do it but I can't stop. I did it as a joke but I can't stop now. I don't even remember the last time I pissed in the toilet.

>pic not mine

Attached: bottle.jpg (728x1294, 80.44K)

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I'm scared someone will leave cameras there and record me leaving my piss bottles.

It's a bad habit, get rid of it. And make sure that it disappears, you will get problems with it in the future if you don't ^-^

I feel like i'm wasting piss when I piss in the toilet now and it puts me in a bad mood.
I need to piss in bottles to feel good.


Force yourself to stop doing it, you will regret not doing it later on. Just believe me, it will get out of hand and someone else will have to force you to stop doing it then and that'll be awkward for you and your personal friend down there. ^-^ Just giving you some advice, since it is not only weird but it's just a thing which makes people find you unattractive and if it gets well known you'll have nicknames which will chase you for the rest of your life. Get rid of the bad habit, it's for your own good :)

Why dont you just pour at back of your garden or yard? Why the fuck you got to take it to a castle

Worst part of people pissing in bottles is lazy builders will do that and "dispose" of it by sealing it in a wall. PILES of stories about people doing renovations finding old water bottles full of piss the hard way.

No one should find out unless they leave a trap out for me. But so far I only have about 15 bottles, mostly 2 litre ones but a few 5 litre ones too.

I don't empty them out. I leave them there. I also write the date that I left them there with a permanent marker on the bottle.

Ive done this, all part of the bants mate

Its actually good, because you save a gallon of water you would have used to flush it down the toilet

This was a few weeks ago when I only put 2 there.

Attached: bottle.png (483x757, 951.09K)

When you get halfway through a bottle just pour bleach the rest of the way and shake for a good 5 minutes. The result will be that your piss will turn into salt water and nitrogen dioxide. No one will bother you for that.

You actually label them piss bottle

yes, I write the date I put them there too.

You are a very silly OP

Bad habits always get you in the end, just believe me. I thought the same, i had this habit where i would wear ridiculous heels to almost all party's i went to bdays and much more. It always went pretty well, till i went to a party where i knew my crush was and i fell right in the mud near the house and it was wet because of rain. My friends laughed at me, almost everyone at the party got to know of it and people started giving me mean and ridiculous nicknames. I still hate myself for it, just please. Get rid of it, bad habits are guaranteed to give you bad luck :/ ^-^

>When you get halfway through a bottle just pour bleach the rest of the way and shake for a good 5 minutes. The result will be that your piss will turn into salt water and nitrogen dioxide. No one will bother you for that.
Ammonia and Bleach create toxic fumes, only newfags fall for this.

you're a whore?

I was on about mixing OP's pee and bleach actually

No, the heels fitted me pretty well and i always wanted to look unique. But yeah, i kinda started thinking different after the mud accident. :/

you're a woman?

Who else would wear high heels to a party? A donkey?

I pee in the sink and I love it

Attached: 1455683379720.jpg (500x501, 26.4K)


Welcome to our website, hope you feel comfortable here and dont worry much about what others say.

I had foot surgery last year. I was supposed to put any weight on my foot without wearing this big walking boot thing. So if I was laying in bed, and I got the urge, the last thing I wanted to do was strap that fucker on, walk all the way down the hall, piss, and then take it right off again. So I would keep an empty gallon jug by the bed. Of course I would throw it out when I got the chance, but still, there are real reasons one might piss in a bottle.

Because the bathroom is too far away, and you have better things to do than go there.

I have a question too.

Anyone ever take a piss so long you start to think, goddamnit, fuck this...why is this taking so long?

I've been on Zig Forums for a pretty long time, i came here because a friend of mine suggested it and found some interesting and nasty stuff. Luckily i have a filter so that makes it a bit better, other then that i'm pretty used to most things on the internet.

i broke my ankle last year and still got up to use the toilet like a human being. you're just lazy

Ok plebs, the correct answer is to fertilize your plants and trees.
Human piss is a great fertilizer.

Great you found yourself at home and nice triple dubs btw. Good that you made use of the filter, it never works for me :/

Fucking stupid bitch. Kill yourself.

I did it for years user. Virtually fillled a room
Abandonment Issues suckj