It’s that time of the day. YLYL thread

it’s that time of the day. YLYL thread

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That's fucking disgusting. Don't even joke like that.

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my bike needs a service now you've made me anxious you fucker

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>Long hair
>Pouting for that dick
We gonna have some fun

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Oh I'd just love to see the ER pics from when he sliced his fucking face open

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i lost

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Awful manly memes itt.

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: )
>it's ma'am

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I don't get it

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God this is the worst YLYL i've ever seen.

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why post this in a ylyl thread? you couldve at least made a thought bubble saying "now he'll never have kids I can bite"

a supercharger = go fast exciting/aftermarket/desired

an alternator = drag in performance and stock/standard/boring


I love you.

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>What girls have you been hangout out with?

>when you wann da footy

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wtf is this shape supposed to be, looks like a train or something

Its a turbo u idiot. Superchargers are twin spool and dont require an intercooler because it bolts onto the fucking intake. Theyre also mostly only used on V8 cars.

Turbos bolt onto the fucking EXHAUST and require an intercooler, theres a basic mechanocal difference. The only similarity is that theyre both forced induction, read a fucking book.

I second that

catgirls are furries

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you knew what i meant sperg. autism in action. your memes aren't funny btw, just clever. but not funny at all.

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secretly they all are ;)

because the thought of patton being dead is hilarious

I don't get it

I know how to look at these, but I don't get what the shape is

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Well it's certainly cool, especially how you can get different shapes depending on just how cross-eyed you get (i counted 3 'locks'), but it's certainly not funny.

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This is so cringe

Turbos do not require an intercooler and not all superchargers are twin spool. Look up centrifugal superchargers. Also turbo is exhaust driven and supercharger is belt driven.

oh fuck, you're right, it is too. Wouldn't have known had you not said it cause the asshole comes towards you and doesn't dip inwards.

>judging masculinity via wiper blades

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3 shapes? what are you even talking about
there's just one image and from your reaction i'm guessing you haven't seen it yet

look again

t. Faggot who can't change his wiper blades