Alt right cringe/hate thread

alt right cringe/hate thread.

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LOL! Rot in Gitmo Facist cuck

He's cute

Shame it's frowned upon to fuck the mentally infirm

>Shame it's frowned upon to fuck the mentally infirm
So it's illegal to sleep with you? Doubt that makes much of a difference though.

>no u

good job there soyboy, you did a great job with your post. You should be proud

>I know you are, but what am I?

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Anti lockdown protestors buttmad, outnumbered, and being locked up fast.

mantits, neckbeard, le epic meme cake, likely disappointed family. lmao this is not a good look for trump supporters

Trumps pretend soldiers

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If he were less of a retard he could practice decorating cakes. Thats legitimately not too bad and there's potential in his work.\

Look at that man and tell me that he couldn't be a happy baker in another life

If you're pissing of the lunatic fringe enough that they want to kill you, you know you're doing something good.

I'm a big fan of that operator on the right, in his realtree camo exquisitely designed to blend in to urban michigan

Corona Chan cull the wicked

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people who wear realtree are the fucking worst

i'll get laid if I wear a red hat
I know it

what no penises

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love the white race they don't love you back

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It's not the alt right if it supports the president. It's the mainstream right.

oh fuck that is so cringe

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i fucking hate the usurpation of the hand gesture and im not even a scubadiver

fuck, give him normal stuff to wear and i wouldnt mind that dude making me a cake, he seems to know how, i agree

one does get laid with a red hat... just ditch the maga

damn what happened lol? did they get CONQUERED?

the kerma kush hasnt changed, tradition n shit

>got banished from every other country

Sick burn

Soooo how in way shape or form do you know he made that?

europe got worse

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is it bad I want to see him blacked so bad

But why did she write her sign like a nigger though?

he's stupid and cringing and so are you face it

can you imagine what a political discussion would be like with that faggot


You think this kid cares about the dumbass retarded fucking subhuman niggers on this site? Cnn paid him like $255 million for a settlement, that kid is never going to have to work at all for his life, or his kids or his parents lives, and probably his kids kids. Subhumans in here are thirsty for desperation.

Get back to plebbit you waste of space

and sudan has flourished ever since

>CNN paid him 200 million dollars

why does he have to go back when you're the stupid faggot

"The settlement will allow CNN to avoid a lengthy and potentially unpredictable trial. Sandmann sought $275 million in damages in the lawsuit he filed against CNN last March."

$275 million dollar settlement from CNN, different person but same thing. That kid is set for life, and many generations of his families too, cause you retards are shaming stuff like this too much so you're actually doing more harm than good, from your illogical perspective.

it's really funny watching you trump shits blame everybody else for your own stupid backwards social philosophy being attacked
much like your president does

>have my face did
Subtle. And they say the right engages in dog whistle politics. Also, nice classist elitism there portraying mortuary employees as pale Morticia goth wannabes.

leave it to some mushroom cock gobbling dumb fuck like you to completely miss the point because you couldn't handle it anyway