What a sweet beautiful woman. She’s my dream woman

What a sweet beautiful woman. She’s my dream woman

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you're creepy faggot creepy creepy creepy creepy

conservatards: leftists are ugly

Someone must have some of her nudes

She has some flame titties. Deep nudes anyone?

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this one is decent

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Oh wow, great perky titties!

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I'd seize the fuck out of her milk production.

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Is let her seize the means of my reproduction

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>ywn have AOC riding on your cock saying "ay papi! breed me!"

Imagine Ivanka and AOC, vigorously debating public policy, only to then begin vigorously rimming each other.

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wow intelligent women really trigger some of you pretty hard lol

Intelligent women make my heart flutter

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why you so mad though?

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And here is my dream girl,how fuck i love her,hell yeah

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I just want to gauge the IQ of her anus

why would I be mad we're winning
you're losing to these four women you can't control

>intelligent women
nice oxymoron

good choice, user

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this niggress is Erdogan's asset who married her own brother.

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If she’s intelligent that means she’s evil. If she’s dumb then her behavior can be excused. Nice tits tho obv.

smarter than you, I mean you believe that stupid shit Trump believes

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So you're basically a racist dipshit whose opinion can be safely ignored from now on. Good to know.

I'd cum in her mouth

still winning

the more aoc shows her milkers the more republicans win

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Can’t judge her on her own merits? Gotta compare her a guy who regularly says shit just for the shock value?

it actually shows that you're this completely shallow seething incel who is guaranteed never to touch a woman in your lifetime