Well guys it finally happened we all waited for him to die of a heart attack from his morbid obesity but what actually...

Well guys it finally happened we all waited for him to die of a heart attack from his morbid obesity but what actually took him is him killing himself after watching the blacked sex tape his ex-wife just uploaded good night sweet prince and lulzcow

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Who is this?


Link to the video?

fat bitch

Is he one of those MTGOW incels?

In August 2019, Boogie made a controversial statement against his internet trolls where he claimed "I think that there are rapists and Nazis out there who... are more redeemable than you because at least they're doing something they believe in."

If real I need to see that video. Would have fucked his wife real hard

Who is this fat fuck?

No hes a youtuber who talks about video games.

What's this fat fucks name?

Is he dead?

who is this and why should i care?

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Is boogie dead OP?

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rest in feces

Lost I was on a you laugh you lose in this made me fucking kek instead.

Boogie2899 or some shit

No, op is just making a blacked thread.



OP is a fagget

Is he actually dead?
Or has the news / his Wikipedia page not caught up yet?

I want him to be dead. Op is just being a fagget for not delivering proof. All I can find is a hoax of that he's made. Hopefully he goes through with it.

I think it's a lie, just looked into the yt comments on his last vid, no one mentions it. Even comments from 1min ago

Did he have a heart attack jerking off to the BLACKED vid?

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Op, you don’t even exist as far as I’m concerned.

Its pretty hard to kill yourself when you are that fat.
Can't reach arteries with a knife, cant climb things to hang self, can't OD cause body is already brimming with mission etc

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america mourns the loss of a fat retard,just like their entire country

That guy smashed his xbox years ago I remember, is he actually dead? Not surprised being that overweight

Death would be too easy for a master cuck like boogie. To think I used to feel bad for this fat fuck when he would tell his sob stories about getting molested...he was probably lying to garner sympathy

fuck man i knew wings was gonna off himself but it still feels fucked up


>hey look i got the name kinda right but not totally and made it look like i dont watch him all the time


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TB died ages ago slowpoke

looks like Brandi Love