Please kill me i have kike nose and jew blood

Please kill me i have kike nose and jew blood

Attached: Polish_20200522_010453171.jpg (1206x1438, 748.7K)

Post benis

Not much
Facing shot now

How big is your cock?


Attached: Juden.jpg (1206x1438, 201.56K)

Dead yet?


Because we want to know.

You look more italian than Jewish

atleast you don't have straight, thinning hair at the age of 19. you gotta look at the good things in life.

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You don't look so bad. Your nose is just fine. Don't be such a bitch.

You are Albanian/Dinaric. Not everything is Jewish bro.

Here is an unbiased view on my face because a friend took this while i was unprepared.

Attached: Polish_20200522_021946536.png (966x2038, 1.32M)

Here is a biased view on my face cuz the lighting was really good and im doing that gay shit models do where they give themselves hollow cheeks: obviously dont look this way in person.

Attached: Polish_20200522_022147853.png (1010x1354, 829.5K)

Looks like a smart kid

Attached: juden2.jpg (966x2038, 228.72K)

NO, you don't have a large nose.

Biased or unbiased tho, i usually get rated a 5-6 on soc - or get flatout ignored - and get told i look toxic and jewish and im not treated like im attractive (get no pussy) in person and i blame everything on my nose. I got a horseface and shit and the nose doesn't even look like a nose.

You look great in this one dude. Stop stressing.
Also post dick

Attached: juden3.jpg (1010x1354, 124.51K)

You dont really have anything to worry about don't let Zig Forums shape the way you view the world, it's just a website renowned for being retarded

Your jew pictures always put a smile on my face then my smile immediately turns into anger cuz fuck jews


Attached: Agatha10.jpg (606x553, 112.93K)


Nah, i know im not ugly, but im not the best looking and if you arent the best, you may as well just be ugly. Lets be honest, people like Dicaprio, Depp and Pitt would never be this famous if they werent attractive. My main issue with my face isnt that im ugly: its knowing i will never be at the top, famous or rich. Some people are just straight upgrades of me and theres nothing i can do about it.
Oh well drugs and games will compensate gg ez

Holy fuck is this real?

No, but I did a lot less editing than you'd think.

Attached: Agatha19.jpg (650x650, 237.05K)

Damn, you can usually tell something is edited by background lines becoming curved, other facial features being distorted and obvious features looking fake (such as the nose being way to big) however the proportions still look somewhat realistic yet Jewish

I have my moments

Attached: Agatha17.jpg (1280x1147, 898.33K)

Also im very blackpilled so saying "dont listen to Zig Forums" is pointless... its just as bad as saying "dont listen to what i have to say, either"

Could be worse- you could be subverting the culture you live in