Anyone else really tickled to see this cuck finally put on a mask?

Anyone else really tickled to see this cuck finally put on a mask?

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Cry harder faggot

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>Trump's just like us because he eats McDonald's 3 times a day.

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Fuck yes. It's like putting a leash on a dog's balls.

>durr pelosi durr hurr trump dindu nuffin durr

This is typical American idiocy, they complain about this, and then brag that somehow America is the richest nation on the earth and they have lots of cash and big jobs etc.

Essentially being hypocrite cucks, but we don't really care because we at least know the truth and don't live in a fairy world of fantasy.

If you are a loser, yeah I guess you would weee yourself in excitement.

Do what is best for USA, kys

She'd give you $2000 to buy your own ice cream, but Trump needs to give the money to the mypillow guy so he doesn't go back on crack.

That's a $13 ice cream bar?

>typical trumpshit idiocy
most Americans don't behave like this retarded poster does

He looks so grumpy about it. Poor lil fella.

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no? its actually refreshing to see trump finally not be a retard for once. it may be something small but maybe there is hope he wont kill the country?

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>maybe there is hope
he's still a retard

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Vote for less rapes rather than more. Was that so hard for you?


>you think person is bad, well not as bad as other person - seeeee!
That’s how I beat my murder rap. I just pointed out Obama killed people with drones, and is much worse than anything I did. Sobthe judge dismissed the case immediately, then paid me $2000 and let me fuck his wife because of my air tight amazing logic that makes sense and is not stupid shilling Fox News propaganda that only tricks idiots.

oh look
autismo is posting his fap folder again lol

Be honest. Did you jack off to this shitpost before making it?

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>Either rapes
This is why I vote for deceased people only

Donnetta messed up her makeup

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Trump will even the score with the Chicoms

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You must lead a sad life if this is the sort of shit that tickles your pickle.

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Hollywood was just a propaganda machine for convincing the world that America is a superpower and not a 3rd world shit hole covered in disease and poor hygiene.
Yanks would rather make it political or invent conspiracies than accept the truth. If you had treated this seriously you would be nearly over it like the rest of the world.
Inb4 "b-but x country has it worse" deflection

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>no u
Your anti-science President got his ass fucking handed to him.

I plan on it

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The fuck is wrong with his head? Looks like you could punch it right off

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What are you people going to do when trump is president for another four years

Cause this photo implies that he’s a good president....

Also.. the fuck is wrong with his bobble head?

I accuse YOU of raping a 13 year old girl!
Now the two of you have something in common.

Lol he looks like a sulky child


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Anyone else think your a fucking punk. I'll crush your skull puke.

>I accuse YOU of raping a 13 year old girl!
Cool. Who is she?

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>buh buh buh... we don't care though!

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Nobody's clicking on your stupid faggot bullshit frogfag

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Unbelievable. Almost looks photoshopped.

you did lol

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25 people have come forward user to accuse Trump of sexual indescretions.
25. You'll never throw this fucking fat orange fuck under the bus, you're too big of a tool.

Would you believe the accusation if it were against Trump? Be honest now.

Im sure I could pay someone if you were high profile enough for me to care.

But you know what. You are now completely officially by every logical meaning of the term, an accused rapist.

The MIGApedes are absolutely SEETHING ITT

That's it, bitch. Seethe.

Scotfag here, going to be honest people will not forgive him for the whole COVID-19 situation, even when he failed to blame the WHO for his own choices.

He will get his key votes from his die hard fans, but there will be a shift in the centre to the democrats.

After all the Republican back benchers wanted Biden from the start and used Trump to beat Clinton and tried to get rid of him, but failed.

Problem here if Trump does get re-elected, you will find that a lot of nations he relies on for materials, medications etc will drop them due to the US about to enter a massive recession due to COVID-19.

no I didn't 8th grade
we're all just waiting for you to leave seething

liberal dont want Trump to be president. but get outraged if he doesnt protect himself?
conservatives want trump to stay president but they dont give a shit about his safety?

You cant make this shit up.

you know what, you raped me. Fucking rapist

The right truly cannot meme.

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Feel free to file a lawsuit

all it takes is the filing fee


so she's rich, but that's okay because she's going to take money from you to give you some money, and trump is bad because he did the same thing
>the level of retardation is off the charts

Who cares lol?

kek, the left can't even manage a snappy comeback

>a woman filing a lawsuit against someone she knew personally is the same as accusing a complete stranger of rape on an anonymous imageboard
You're pretty stupid

I still refuse to wear one. I'm not going to be some mask wearing faggot when this disease only has about a 0.1% morality rate. BTW, I already had the kungflu and I tested positive for antibodies

I sure hope your currency isn't backed by the USD. That would be embarrassing.