Let's play a game

Let's play a game,
we take all of youtubes money
>the plan
>find all the dirt we can on big youtbers
>contact their sponsors and call them out on how could they have advertisement on this website with that "awful" content.
>also spread that dirt on other websites so people get outraged.
>then sit back and watch it all burn, while you take a sip of youtubers tears

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Bunping with fuel to the fire as both Ethan and Keem have both lost a sponsor so far. Have also reported him to Honey and Adam&Eve who are looking into the racism via H3 saying niggerfaggot

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Thanks for saving me a dupe post lmao, was posting that next

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@hotepalbania that’s you on twitter OP and this thread would probably have worked had you not begged for money via cash app for doing this exact thing. OP is a faggot.

Nah not me, op is other dude, and me the dude who has the dm to old spice is seperate from that twat who is asking people for money on cashapp.


>Phil defranco
Reporting fake information, gaslighting situations. Better help situation
Saying nigger faggot, harassing others.
Saying nigger faggot, harassing

What other things do we have

I'm op, I haven't begged for shit. Not on Twitter but I'll make an account for this.

OP you’re breaking US law. Want to guess which one? It’s a doozy.

Both parties saying nigger. We could easily strip both of them of their entire source of income.



He couldnt even see both that dudes tweet to old spice and mine were different lol. Different time sets and mine has my first name

That’s because you made both of them up. They’re fake and you’re clout chasing.

Not breaking any laws , we are reporting bad people doing bad things. Causing a cancer in society. No one is being raided or doxed all this information is public and we can report to the companies we buy from that we don't approve of this.

Want to know how I know they’re fake? You couldn’t hide the metadata and the file names were obvious from the get go.

Found the YouTuber

cause he said Nigger? Who the fuck cares.

All you have to do to really know is go to fucking Twitter idiot, now help or gtfo.

why dont we spam the spongebob twitter about this?

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Nigga why would i bother making 2 youtube accounts, one being my legit one and the other whoever the dude is thats quoted by Keem thats existed for a year or more. Let alone send 2 messages to oldspice when only one would suffice to get an answer. Or why would i fake creating 2 posts? The fuck you on about. We just shitposting here

Some sponsors

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Cause youtube adpocalypse m8

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This user get it. Unironically iq over 200

Are they bad people cause they said Nigger? no. I don't give a shit and don't understand why you all do.

The same reason we've done anything here, faggot. For the lulz, of course.

>We just shitposting here
So you finally admit that it is all fake.

H3 also has Old Spice which is d.o.a., and Honey/Adam And Eve which are tbd for their responses from their team's investigation.

Keem has spotify and thats it since gfuel is dead.

We can also use PhillyD for false allegations on Toby Turner in the past.
Logan Paul for impaulsive.
And other yt's like Jontron, scarce, ksi, etc....

Nah but its Zig Forums so i mean, what do you expect

Isn’t Zig Forums about free speech? I could care less about youtube drama but isn’t this stifling what this specific forum is standing for?

"Fake" You keep saying that but i dont think you know what it means

Correct, and B also does shit like this since forever. Whats your point? Summerfags are out early for the corona virus i see

Zig Forums is about taking an upper decker then being too autistic to wipe your ass after. lurk more, newfag.

No you retarded reddit faggot. Zig Forums stand for nothing but it's own entertainment.
Fueling the fire of two other retards and their beta orbiters isn't new.

B is about everything and nothing, hence why it's called random faggot

it's not really about stifling free speech it's about fucking youtube

The op says big youtubers and yet you are only naming youtubers that nobody knows.

there a couple of problems with this
1. their sponsors know what they do to an extent and only a hand full of youtube do anything a sponsor would care about. and even then many of them wouldn't care of they were killing babies live on stream

2.its harder to get outrage going than you might think and a lot of these YouTubers are good at keeping clean

3. any compony worth a shit pulled out already you are so fucking late

4. this plan is gay as fuck

Everyone with a Amazon account go report h3h3 and all others that have been sponsored by them.

Hey Ean, you are fucked.

Do you even watch youtube? Half those names are in top 100 subscriber count

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OP sure is a samefag with his posting.

Sage and move one