I know this is the wrong place to ask for help, but why did my cat eat ALL of her kittens?!?

I know this is the wrong place to ask for help, but why did my cat eat ALL of her kittens?!?

>She had a litter of 1 right after birth (didn't think anything of it, I heard they sometimes eat the runt)

Then over the course of a week she ate the remaining 4. She even vomited fur and other bits of kitten after eating some of them.

She's also 8 and this is her 1st litter.

I just want answers guys. I don't see anything about this kind of thing happening before..

>pic unrelated

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*she had a litter of 5 and ate 1 right after birth*

Sorry, I'm just really shocked

Dude your cat is fucked up get rid of it kill it or whatever no kitten should eaten by its fucking mother before it can have more kittens end its life plz

I've had her for years man. She's always been an indoor cat. Then recently had a wild hair to go outside for a minute or two each day. And of course she ended up pregnant, and here we are... just us two 5 kittens later...

She's a great companion and is very friendly, I just don't understand why she did that. I was so excited too to have her little friends running around.

I know hamsters will do that if they are malnourished after birth. If they don't receive enough protein to produce milk for the offspring they will eat some of them, sometimes all of them. Guess it's like a survival mechanic. If they would all just die from the mother trying to raise them, than it's genetically advantageous to just wipe out the brood and try again later.

I heard stories about dogs doing this, they dont know whats going on they dont know what baby is they didn't take sex ed

Some animals do that if they cant smell the newborn as it was brought , if you or someone elsw touched it right after birth, that might have made him.smell different

>vomited up fur and bits of kitten

All of my keks

Fucking degenerate cat, kill it so it doesnt spread anymore of its putrid genetic material

you forgot to remember

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Tmits really hard reading about your cat with that sexy , perfectly proportioned teen ass staring at me.

Well OP obviously doesn't have to worry about it doing that now does he genius.

>liberated cat
>want life free of obligations
>considers self raped after going out
>denied access to abortion

Sounds like you're got a thoroughly contemporary feline.

Well it's your cat just get the damn thing neutered so this doesn't happen for your own well being dude

Wasted trips

I don’t know man but I’ve seen puppies eat eachother.

I don’t think they’re as evolved/created as we are.

And I’m going to kill whoever keeps trying to ban me.

dumb jew

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When in danger, some animals eat their offspring as a way to protect them, retarded, but that how it is. Another thing is the smell, for example, if you touch the eggs of certain species of birds, the birds will destroy those eggs.

Source: 8 yrs. Wildlife expert and Elvis impersonator

There's countless, unbiased articles that deject your folktale like claim Mr expert

I would but a bullet in any of pets heads if I caught them doing nigger like behavior such as that...

you or some other idiot probably touched them. many animals will do this if anyone touches the babies before they are a couple weeks old

This or they will ignore the baby completely

I’ll take Friendly Felines for 500 Alex

Your cat likes eating young pussy


in all my years of animal care ive never seen or had this happen. im not sure why people keep saying this

Cats will kill their kittens they determine them to be infirm, non-viable or weak. Possible also the environment was stressing her out. I've never heard of a cat killing all of her young, but I've had a few litters where one or two were eaten or decapitated by the mother. If it's not either of those, maybe she's just not a good mother cat. Get her spayed and take care of her. She's an animal - don't project human sensibilities on her.

you are fuckign retarded kys

gonna back this one here op

retarded nigger faggot

Has to do with stress

The first one probably was sick or something wrong and is normal for animals eat or kill the "special needs" newborn, the other 4 is like the other anons say, someone touch them before the first couple months and the result is eat them or let them die like if them doesn't exist to the mother or, she really don't want the kittens 'cause house and territory shit

It was probably a meme created by parents to stop their children from touching the babies of animals when they’re outside.

Chickens will readily eat their own eggs if they aren’t removed soon enough.

Think about it.

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right because people are retarded and do things they shouldn't

Don't handle babies of any kind after birth, if your scent gets on it, it can cause them to not recognize it. They'll cannibalize the kittens.

I'd eat her kitten

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