Quality ylyl

quality ylyl

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What if I'm already fucking myself? Behind this simple insult hides a universal paradox that may put your sexuality in question. Let's do a simple thought experiment: imagine us two standing in front of each other. I, of course, am wearing a pair of jeans, that are covering my genitals and my butt. You then command me to "go fuck myself". I may be fucking myself already. I may as well not be fucking myself already. Until my dick and its position relative to my ass is overserved, it is simultaneously in my ass, but also outside of it - thus, it stays in superposition. The moment you lay eyes on my penis, both states collide with each other and become either one. You may have already guessed what the problem here is. As soon as a single photon reflected by my dick enters either one of your eyes, you become gay. The only way to avoid this is to not observe my penis. But if you don't look at it, then you will never know if your insult had any effect, thus rendering it meaningless. Since you have already made the insult, you are now, too, in superposition - you're either wrong, or gay. It's unfortunate, really - you dug a hole for yourself without even knowing it. All you can do now is accept it, and learn from your mistakes.

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Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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>every single reddit mod

Quality, you say?

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Is there one for "This is Christianity"?

I didn't know it was common to be colourblind in Asia

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This thread is pathetic.

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Hard to fit all of western civilization onto one infographic you cretinous ingrate

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3 children in the class.
2 of them clones.
1 of them not actually a child, likely a midget (has the head of an adult man)

Poisoned my tenant’s pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle him through the fence with a phone cable. He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta tenant learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time I'm getting the dose right.

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Didn't happen

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Nice copypasta you unoriginal faggot

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De Niro is a liberal you spastic retarded low educated moron Trumpfag

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Please leave. It was funny the first time. It’s not funny anymore.

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This is typical right wing "logic". Those two things have nothing to do with each other and if you sincerely think this is an argument, you should off yourself and increase the average iq by like 50 points.

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False equivalence

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Things that never happened for $5000 Alex

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Much like your dear leader, this is just dumb

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perfect analogy but you niggers wanna cry. Zig Forums is such a leftist shithole these days. can't wait for trump to win again just to witness the great salting.

get fucked lefty faggot.

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Fake and gay

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>you need to wear a mask to protect yourself
>you don't need a gun to protect yourself
This is you.

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it's an awful analogy

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I hate this website

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Kek, fucking Nigers

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I would dick down at least 4 of those girls.

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