Just got a bag of shrooms. How do you eat these things?

Just got a bag of shrooms. How do you eat these things?

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better results rectally

I buy like a del taco value menu bean burrito and jam them in their. Eating them in a burrito isn't that bad

i like making tea...and then eating the mash after anyway

i don't really mind the taste of shrooms. its obviously not good, but compared to the taste of kratom, its barely even noticeable

Grab a bottle of OJ and chew them up, wash them down with the oj. I've put shrooms inside a peanut butter sandwich too. Its gonna taste like shit regardless, just get them down quick, I suggest eating and 1/8th.

indeed, plug them bro.. and then wash them up with a shot of tequila

make tea or just eat them on peanut butter

If you wanna go hard, grind them up in a coffee grinder and dissolve them in lemon juice for 20 minutes. It won't last as long but it'll kick your ass.

First time I did shrooms I ate them with a subway sandwich

don’t listen to some of these fags in here, just straight up eat them and wash em down with something, this is the easiest way and you CANT fuck it up.

don’t put them in your butt op

cut or grind them up as fine as you can. 5-8 grams worth. add ~ oz of lemon juice. add 12 oz of boiling water. steep for ~10 stirring occasionally...Ill see you on the other side

chop them up and put them in your p'sghetti

Dry completely ("cracker dry")
grind into powder
Peanut butter optional

Just eat em you fuckin pussy

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the best way to take them is to chew them up for about ten minutes and then eat them
my favorite way to take them is to steep them in ginger tea for ~20min
2g dried ~~ tab of acid

You put them in your mouth, then chew and swallow. That is how you eat.

You don’t, for maximum effect you shove them up your butthole. Works best if you fast and do a enema before shoving.

This, its the best way to deal with the horrid soil taste

Roll them up in a fruit roll up, masks the taste well

shrooms aren't that nasty.. just eat them you pussy. nothing else is required (except for a drink) they just taste like regular store mushrooms. if you'd be taking magic truffles it would be a different story..

This. It's an earthy taste. Similar to regular mushrooms. Just dry them up really crackery and it shrinks them like 85%

yes.. kratom. that shit is nasty

with cookies or your favorite candy. wash it down with a big glass of OJ or Lemonade

First time I did them, ate them with saltine crackers and coffee. They won't taste good no matter how you choose to consume them.


Just eat them pussy.

What about the comments from some folks saying it bothers their stomach?

Are they easy to keep down?

Maybe mix them into ice cream?

Ever popped MDMA? Drank some shots? Kratom? Some of these things bother nobody, some people feel sick from all three, some it's one or another. Just eat them and see what happens, nobody knows you're body like you.

Put it on your pizza

You can toss and wash kratom, no problem. If you swallow shrooms whole, do they work as well? I've never partaken.

Unsalted stale popcorn

Agreed. Make tea. Strain out shrooms and throw away

I just dump it in black coffee and smash it back. Chocolate milk actually works really well but I rarely have it around.

Grind them up into a powder put them in 00 capsules each 00 is .5 so you can accurately dose and u ain't got to taste them

can make tea with them, look up lemontek. basically grind up into a power, add some lemon juice, wait 5min, then add warm water. chug the whole thing. this is the easiest way.

sometimes what I like to do is put them in between 2 heavily buttered pieces of bread or with some jam, helps mask the taste.

can just eat them as is, but they're kinda gross.

if you try to cook them into something it makes them less potent, so dont try putting them into a stew or hotpot. it breaks down the active ingredients that make you trip.

>if you try to cook them into something it makes them less potent
Prove it

so gay

Heat kills psilocybin