Anyone here actually beat their depression?

Anyone here actually beat their depression?

Or at least put it into remission?

What helped you pull yourself out of it?

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Call me a faggot, but hour long meditation for two weeks sorted it straight away

Walking hundreds of miles.

i did then it came back hardcore

Yes. In my experience and what I can gather from other people's, it's a long and complex war with lots of battles of varying degrees, so I hate those one-line "Beat Depression" inspiration quotes

For me it was bit-by-bit readjusting my life to suit my emotional needs better, and to take control over the things which made me feel impotent.

Nope, comes back all the time
No friends, dead end job, no talent, ugly, 30+ and gay, killing myself this year

Eh. I guess I got it in check. Now when I’m feeling particularly down I take a nap. Resting and meditating help a lot. Plus making positive changes like working out, running, biking, gardening, reading; those all helped a lot. Pick up some fun hobbies and it’ll distract you for a while and maybe lead to better habits and just overall quality of life.

Exercise, learning something new, meditation, martial arts

Follow Christ.

most of the time yeah. i used to lay in bed a lot and just do nothing, and that just compounds shit. found a job i actually halfway like, so that helps. was taking meds for a bit, and they seemed to begin to help, but in a pretty short amount of time i could tell they weren't effective anymore so i tapered off. didn't want to get caught up endless having to up dosages and all that shit, fuck that.

That's what made me depressed to begin with. didn't really enjoy jerking off the elderly

Downhill mountain biking pulled me from a upbill battle ive faced my whole life.

also tibeten throat singing helps

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Depression is primarily an inflammatory disease with a genetic component.
-Cut out sugar and carbs from your diet
-Exercise/train regularly, I recommend strength training, Starting Strength specifically
-Sleep properly
-Eat more omega 3 fatty acid
-Get more sunlight/supplement vitamin D

I did eventually. Taking citalopram and doing CBT seemed to help a bit. But really, the what worked for me was to interrupt myself every time I noticed i was thinking negatively.

Sometimes you do think negatively because the world is pretty shit. Let's be honest here. However, there's often a silver lining. For example:

>Thought: Democracy sucks.
>Response: Democracy is the best known, stable, and proven system that we have. All tried alternatives are worse. This system does give people a choice, and grants everyone some amount of freedom. It's nice that we are using the best system that is available.

Do you see how that's more helpful?

Yes, it's not a lot of comfort, but it helps you build up emotional strength.

therapy, honestly. i think a routine helps to not make go completely back down as well. other than that, mindfulness (pulling your mind away from random negative shit) and challenging negative thoughts help too

Why hasn't anybody ever dealt with their childhood traumas and "beat" depression?

Because it's bullshit, for the most part.

no it fucking isnt you dumb hippie, sugar and carbs aren't the thing that are making people depressed go fuck deepak chopra dumb cunt

>30+ and gay
Why is this bad?

I used to think that, but having just a few people call me handsome made me realize it's actually a lack of complements.

Most people aren't ugly.

>no talent
You're being too hard on yourself. You're a great critic from what I can tell.

>dead end job
Any chance you can move to a new career? That'll feel more realistic once you've built up a bit more strength.

>No friends
If that's not an exaggeration, I'm sorry to hear that. As you get better, it'll be easier to form good relationships with people.

Do you have acquaintances you could potentially form into friendships?

Cutting out caffeine helped quite a bit. I enjoy the idea of sitting with coffee, eating cookies or a croissant and reading, but the reality is feeling energy swings and staying up too late, feeling like shit, and drinking more and more coffee.

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>You're being too hard on yourself. You're a great critic from what I can tell.
Are you trying to help him or kill him with cringe.

Eh that was my shitty attempt at humor

All of my acquaintances are through work, I don't think I'm very skilled to start a new career unless it's a labor job (which I've worked my way up from), don't really seem to have anything in common with people and I already have social anxiety which makes it so hard to talk to people without being a complete fuck up. Appreciate you trying tho user

>don't really seem to have anything in common with people
I can relate with this, it's hard.

I won't talk about picking up new skills as I know first hand how hard it can be feel motivated to do that when depressed. Learning new stuff can help you feel accomplished, though it was hard to get out of bed some days.

Have you tried medication? Citalopram has been very helpful to me. It doesn't exactly get rid of your depression, but gives you some additional energy. Use the time & energy wisely to learn new skills, go to the gym, eat better, etc...

Habits that will help you when you are off the meds.

I've tried one medication, I can't remember what it was as it's been a few years but it wasn't that, it kinda just made me feel like a zombie. In some ways it was better that way, in some ways worse, I suppose I should try something else

I didn't have any importance in my life. I didn't have a hobby. I just sat and browsed Zig Forums.
School -> Zig Forums
University -> Zig Forums
First job -> Zig Forums
I had no hobby, no passion to do anything outside of work.
You need to try shit. Exercise is free, you can do that easily. Maybe play an instrument. Do something challenging and feel proud about doing it. It helped me. I think just having a healthy amount of Zig Forums fixed me up right good.

Raw meat. Lack of bioavailable b-6 causes massive depression, anxiety, asthma, and other problems. B-6, along with b-12, are water soluble vitamins only fpund in meat. Cooking of any kind destroys them

Eat raw meat.

Yeah, a close friend of mine took citalopram and found it didn't help. He's on another medication right now and it's helping a lot more.

Different things work for different people. There's loads of stuff you can try:

Good post but missing a few things. Still most insightful in thread.

Not clicking on jewtube links

how about just take B vitamin supplements. eating raw meat is incredibly stupid.

Yes I did op, did a complete life change.

Even managed to snag me a girlfriend and get real non paying pussy,

Delete porn collection, stop playing vidya as much. Focus on improving yourself like exercising, pick up new hobbies, STOP FAPPING every fucking day.

The main reason my confidence was low and my depression was apparent is due to excessive masturbation.

If you are a Virginfag, I highly recommend paying a escort and fuck her brains out


You do realise that depression isn't some illness that you can beat, it's with you for the rest of your life. You have to manage it and learn what the symptoms are to recognise when you are feeling depressed, meditation worked for me but there are other treatments. Medication, which I don't recommend, exercise, and CBT, these can all help.

Drugs, alcohol and laughs.

There could be other things, maybe a good nights sleep with some pleasant dreams.

Fuck you pharmaceutical shill. "Take drugs". Kill yourself you toxic piece of shit.

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I know it sounds weird, but I had really bad OCD for a while. My doctor also wanted me to get diagnosed for autism. I was already super depressed. What helped me, is I fought the urge to clean. Take care of myself. I know that sounds really counterproductive, but it helped. Nothing is organized like it used to be, but I’m happy. Now I’ll still get spurts where I clean and organize everything, but not like I used to. I don’t live like a slob now either, just not to the extreme I was. The outdoors also really helped me. I try to spend a few hours outdoors or in the woods every day. Though bugs may suck, spending some alone time with nothing but beauty around you changes your perspective on things. If you really want to be truly happy, you have to work very hard on it. Good luck anons.

exercise, meditation, setting a daily schedule, staying on top of basic life shit (laundry, cleaning, etc), eating healthy, have a healthy social life, laugh, take time to appreciate good things.

just make baby steps in the right direction on these things when you're deep in the hole and build on them over time.

expect to backslide sometimes and just start over again when it happens.