

Vex's 200th Game

And boy, is this going to be an interesting one...

See, this code I'll be hosting with isn't just any ordinary code, no. THIS code, is the mother ship--the biggest code we've ever seen in HG, bar none.

Aside from a small glimpse I got during a test run of the code, I have no ideas what sort of events will be present when I host it. I've seen some of the events are references to some obscure lore none of us will understand, but those events seem few and far enough between that even so, it should still be a relatively enjoyable experience.

With that said, since this is now technically my 201st game, I've decided to change things up a bit as far as my own threads and games go. First, I went ahead and make a custom game background to finally fit in with all the ̶g̶a̶y̶ cool hosts, like KR and Rigs. Second, I'm going to be using a standard set of opening thread images from now on, as well as this sort of layout you're seeing here.

Lastly, and most importantly, I'm not going to be posting wincards immediately after a game has been hosted. Instead, in the opening post of each game, I'll include a link to my wincard galleries thus far, where past winners can find their wincards, which will be made and posted by the time I host the game immediately after the one they win. That should give me more time to make better wincards for you guys, and maybe even start adding my shitty commentary literally nobody asked for back.

Now, with all that finally out of the way...

Gimme 48, lovelies.

Attached: Birdietalk.png (331x331, 29.77K)


Attached: Vex.png (369x369, 50.71K)

Fuck Niggers

Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)

Nutella Girl

Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194.02K)

best gril

Attached: 1588217918132.png (720x720, 42.25K)


Attached: 015D6345-D8FB-490E-A181-EA98C11DD781.jpg (143x180, 19.81K)


Attached: 1467456967832.png (1280x720, 511.29K)

Alola Divine Cat

Attached: 738.png (710x444, 721.39K)


Attached: fanart1.jpg (636x900, 95.63K)


Attached: wetdepressed.jpg (704x704, 34.79K)

Jesus Fucking Christ

Attached: ~JC1.jpg (301x421, 17.03K)

Jonah Hill

Attached: Jonah_Hill_isnt_amused.png (672x672, 625.13K)


Attached: happiH.jpg (471x550, 113.87K)

holy shit

Seven Sisters of Purgatory

Attached: __stakes_of_purgatory_mammon_lucifer_asmodeus_beelzebub_and_3_more_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_stainglass_artist__c05662053e8723785968c36de86dec62.jpg (2350x1631, 1006.53K)


Attached: 8CBD84BA-D8B0-4BB1-B080-E7A69AC036BD.jpg (720x707, 65.74K)


Attached: Harley56.jpg (1434x1620, 1.83M)

queen bailey.

Attached: 74bc8e5.jpg (683x1024, 66.9K)

Kizuna AI

Attached: tumblr_pfz4c7CFBR1ugbsi5_540.jpg (540x734, 129.63K)


Attached: poniko2.png (360x450, 11.24K)

Richard Rawlings

Attached: Rawlings.jpg (597x776, 140.89K)

Big Tits Kylie

Attached: BTK4.jpg (854x1078, 237.48K)

Planet Earth

Attached: Planet-Earth-Article-Image.jpg (1920x1920, 794.36K)

Spades Slick

Attached: Slick.png (167x304, 1.3K)

Chiester Sisters Imperial Guard Corps

Attached: __chiester_sisters_chiester410_chiester45_chiester00_and_chiester556_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_colxy__3791aafec51041859ee316f7f46efd4a.jpg (900x718, 649.76K)

King crimson

Attached: MV5BOThkNDAyYmMtNWM5ZS00YTJhLWI2ZjMtODAwNWVjYzMxYjA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQxNjcxNQ@@._V1_.jpg (1280x720, 157.57K)

Not Ok

Attached: 8662D25B-A5C2-4F82-917C-99E5BE5066B8.jpg (714x599, 26.05K)

Optimus crime

Attached: 1590025408373.jpg (1024x768, 113.67K)


Attached: 65021547_p0.jpg (1606x2048, 685.4K)


Attached: Beach6.jpg (957x761, 182.45K)

Astro Cat

Attached: 33.jpg (800x640, 153.43K)

Bowzer’s Vulva

Attached: 13F32EDF-6FD9-4C79-A1D0-CDCE6BEF271B.jpg (850x634, 82.93K)


Attached: E729DC69-FCAC-47F3-9498-DCB553DED05F.jpg (474x710, 46.03K)

Tactical Hotdog

Attached: 1540166204854.jpg (640x473, 93.89K)

Clubs Deuce

Attached: Deuce.png (160x196, 1.08K)

Barret the Penguin

Attached: 2E975B63-34BA-42E3-9CE0-5B79C372DC2F.jpg (361x553, 73.48K)


Attached: Charlotte.jpg (1026x1426, 99.11K)

I respectfully request you switch my district partner

Attached: classiestJC.jpg (1500x1500, 190.12K)

Lady Blackhood

Attached: Blackhood.jpg (743x683, 100.71K)


Attached: iM3oK5bg9FzgrNxsV7F_x8Um-8F32FdQ_PVpYkrlryw.jpg (640x960, 74.48K)


Attached: 1572305253918.jpg (1000x1130, 173.28K)

Captain America

Attached: A1A714AC-46D9-4BE5-845F-64425BAD9F88.jpg (197x252, 10.3K)

I do not know why I am here, but I believe I am here to receive another death.

Attached: PI00Gmtl.jpg (369x362, 21.29K)


Attached: Dubstoobright.jpg (350x450, 43.43K)

I'm sorry I was your district partner

Attached: whathappenedwetfat.jpg (912x912, 76.27K)


Attached: unknown.png (382x432, 320.64K)


Attached: dulbord.jpg (640x415, 40.04K)

Flato Rato

Attached: 94504903_560206354913435_7967358664170274816_n.png (828x810, 258.5K)


Attached: neumatavi.png (600x600, 736.14K)

Rimmy Tim

Attached: Map1.png (1143x1080, 728.92K)

Snail Cat

Attached: 15789258114300.jpg (720x686, 27.12K)


Attached: BfAZkFACAAAMHG6.jpg (600x605, 48.62K)

Diamonds Droog

Attached: Droog.png (138x395, 1.36K)


Attached: B31D4D7D-9035-487E-94C5-5ADF2648B365.jpg (640x447, 115.72K)

Black Mage

Attached: bm9.png (350x400, 90.7K)

Natalie Mars

Attached: 6455D1B6-50FD-4F11-8884-69427F3B1FEA.gif (500x281, 1.91M)

Poison Jirachi

Attached: jirachi_alt.png (678x678, 12.44K)

The Weenie Racer

Attached: 1-of-3-copy_2.jpg (798x600, 36.53K)

Duke Nukem

Attached: 1586999144411.jpg (600x450, 43.88K)

Nothing personal, well it is, but everytime we've be district bros you kill me. That and I like Mado mor than you.

>it's a big code
>new bg
>new op pic
>you are going to pull a JC with the wincards
did i get everything right?

This bitch:

Attached: 1590024927398.webm (450x417, 1.1M)

I want that machine and dildo

Ah shit. I was too late. Oh well.

Webms don't work on the simulator

He's gonna do 200 tributes I'm sure. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise

I’m sure you do

Lalo Salamanca

Attached: Screenshot_173.png (524x524, 359.92K)

He said 48 fucking illiterate faggot


̶>̶3̶1̶ ̶I̶P̶s̶
̶>̶3̶3̶ ̶I̶P̶s̶
̶>̶3̶4̶ ̶I̶P̶s̶
̶>̶3̶5̶ ̶I̶P̶S̶!̶?̶!̶?̶


Uhh, this is way more attention than I was expecting to get, so I wanna get a vote on what to do before we start:
-Remove all obvious samefags (+ Vex) for new IPs after Natalie Mars (can someone list them for me?)
-Ignore new IPs like a colossal faggot
-Just take voluntary swaps like usual, also like a colossal faggot

We'll begin in a few minutes, I guess.

Jesus, 37 IPs...

Attached: VexII.png (481x423, 72.82K)

Tf fuck is a JC with the wincards?