Seriously guys, again? Is there any hope for the american incel?

Seriously guys, again? Is there any hope for the american incel?

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ehh it's already left the media cycle. Shooter was Hispanic so it doesn't fit the narrative.

Shooter was 100% American bred. Yeehaw!

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That is a picture from catfished.
Nice faked article, cunt.

What about incels and their fathers? Thats still in the news.

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Ok. Heres another one then.

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or this one? Sure you dont need an article for her.

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Ahmed Was 25, not a child.

So fucking what? No one said he was.

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>0 deaths
>2 injuries

How come the only place to get high death counts is blue states?

Because thats where the gun crazed republican incels go to shoot up

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>No matter what, it's their fault
You're making us look bad.

Also found the guy who learned "incel" like a week ago

Read the political cartoon-----------

sorry i didnt realize the el paso wal mart shooter was actually a democrat :^)

You know, I was just thinking yesterday about how much time had elapsed since the last shooting.
We used to have them much more frequently back when the NRA was still solvent.

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Most Mexicans are :)

im sure with your delusions they are

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There was a terrorism related one in Corpus Christi Naval Air Station

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Damn Domestic American Incel Terrorist

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Are you referring to "kid"? Because when racists call niggers "boy" theyre not actually calling them children. You know that, right?

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only a few of those were politically motivated though unlike this slightly old meme list but still accurate since the only response i get to this is faggots going on about mass shooters in general or pretending the dayton shooter was politically motivated and therefore the entire left side is justified. i see more bad faith arguments of people trying to pretend they care about murders when its really only if their "team" looks bad they care rather than calling out everyone who would wield such violence

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Two of them are spics and ones is a hapa

Also Sandy Hook is fake news

bullets don't discriminate

literally just have sex, incels, it's not hard

you're a russian bot

lol didnt read

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How them shekels?

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Im not gay but 20 sekels is 20 shekels goyim

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I thought a mass shooting was 4+? Didn't he only shoot three people?

Land of the free indeed

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