The person who filmed this worthless criminal who had it coming has been charged with murder...

The person who filmed this worthless criminal who had it coming has been charged with murder. The world is objectively a better place with this violent criminal who charged and tried to grab the gun of an ex police officer and his son after stopping this "jogger" who was reported for trespassing and likely stealing shit. The only people who who protest his death are white guilt liberals who place themselves lower than people like him and thus make his actions excusable.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2020-05-09-at-2.49.23-PM-1-1024x590.png (1024x590, 636.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get a fucking life, dude. Seriously, find a hobby.

Imagine browsing Zig Forums, much less Zig Forums and saying that.

Who hurt you?

I don’t believe you.

Fake news.

Victim's family say the camera stole his sole as it was on it's way to hell.

Attached: EYFeKG0VAAAzGhz.jpg (900x844, 139.87K)

1/10 made me reply....
Also OP is a Fag

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Finally, somebody’s speaking in facts.

i bedt he pled guilty

the state of people who watch CNN



do the little children who were recorded trespassing on the property also deserve to be shot on public property by a civilian?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 11.51.39 PM.png (1760x828, 1.45M)

go to sleep boris

Its completely normal for children to trespass into properties. Its not for adult lone men.

There it is. Every fucking time.

You dumb niggers really need to get some new material.

His name was Armed Robbery

Says a faggot spamming threads saying he dindu nuffin

The ex cop was the yokel standing in the bed of the truck waving the gun.

depends, do they violently attack people who rightfully try to stop them, effectively committing suicide by armed citizen?

This children wouldn’t charge and assault a legal gun carrying citizen. Given the evidence, anyone who thinks these men should be convicted is a complete retard.

of course not
they are white

Just another waste of life air food and space nigger only thing a black is good for is sucking a hot meal out of lions ass in Africa really need to get rid of brown sick of seeing these welfare jigs

The dindu wasn't shot for trespassing.
He was confronted for trespassing, then tried to take a gun from someone, at that point it is legal self defense to use deadly physical force to stop him from taking it.
It'd be really awesome of you faggots learned a little law.

Are you equating a child's actions to an adult's?

Literally this

If they were told to stop would they?

So let me get this right:

Arbery trespasses into a property, and then when the father and son tries to do a citizen's arrest, this happens:
>Gregory said they called to Arbery: "Stop, stop, we want to talk to you". Gregory claimed that they pulled up to Arbery, with Travis exiting the truck with the shotgun. Gregory claimed Arbery "began to violently attack Travis" before two shots were fired.[19][16] Arbery died on the spot after "bleeding out", the report concluded.[16]

Why is the narrative that they're KKK members who drove around in their car to kill random black people jogging, or that they had already planned to kill him beforehand?
Do we have any reason to believe that this isn't just a citizen's arrest gone wrong, and escalated by Arbery repeatedly punching and grabbing the shotgun, putting them at risk? Why is the media and narrative so one-sided? If i tried to do the same thing i would have been shot too. Try to punch an armed cop and then try to wrestle his gun out of his hands, and see what happens. If they wanted to just kill him, they would have shot him right away, not let him punch Travis 10 times first and get close to taking the shotgun away from him.

I work at Academy Sports and he stole running shoes last year so I know he a jogger

There's no shortage of morons who dont read past the headline or look at the evidence thats a google search away.

people tend to stop believing the media once they're told they're wrong

Theres also leftist faggots muddying the waters in this case as well.