Dare me to hang myself? I hate my fucking life

Dare me to hang myself? I hate my fucking life

Attached: Snapchat-136843426.jpg (640x1348, 209.52K)

kill yourself

Post your nudes first

Don't. Show tits first

Sure no one else wants to look at me

Attached: Snapchat-2050730887.jpg (640x1260, 175.46K)

You do you

Don’t worry, the Chan will appreciate you. So long as you post tits and pussy.

You can gag on my cock instead.

Hate your life? Give it some purpose and post tits, make others happy. We wanna see what you got


stream it too

you won't

getting pretty closed i reached out to like 4 friends already none of them replied. last time i tired i just woke up on my floor somehow

is this you?
I feel like I know you.

Do you got kik? We can talk if you want

let's make a game out of this. dubs decides if OP does it.

rolling for do it

What method did you use? OD?

maybe someone would want to look at you if you werent an attention whore with a nosering

and by that I mean look at you as a prospect and not as something to open in another tab and beat off to

hung myself off my door with an extension cord. i woke up with some of my clothes folded beside me i must have blacked out and freaked out
yeah thats me. doubtful

Op don't do it

Dubs check em

well, dont know you personally.. but I was a random follower of your insta, loved your stories/posts. think you deleted it though, havent seen your face in too long?

Look don’t fucking do this ok as someone’s who’s been in your place and beat depression thing get better I promise. You’re wasting your life if you do this and it solves nothing. Literally zero good can come from this

We can give you some pretty decent counseling. Put to get those people on this thread, the payment is some nudes. So tits or gtfo

god is all you do scroll Zig Forums?
at least ill be free

Op u r way to hot to do this. Holy shit I'll pay for you move in w me and be my second wife

no actually come on here like.. once a month? why

Post your snap first.

Pls dun do it I would literally worship u ur hella fine

But see you won’t be free you won’t be anything if you want to be free then fucking power through and show yourself how strong you are. You might think you’re not but think about everything you’ve already gone through. If you can make it through your past I’m sure you’re strong enough to make it through whatever’s gonna come next. It’s not fucking worth it

So what's the actual situation that inspired this?

do it

check em

50%: its all fake 4 attention and the simps fell(if it was a guy you would all be throwing ways)
50%: its actually real and this chick is depressed, you fucking simps ask for nudes
either way you suck b

That just moves your pain onto others. There are people that can help.

Dont do it get help

>expecting Zig Forums to be good people

First day?

>imploying that u have a life

im so sick of hearing that
i just really dont like being alive anymore
dont give me that shit i dont have a family

Sounds like you’re pretty dead set on this. Dubs for nudes btw

Post bare bobbz and we will give you a proper evaluation if You should stay alive

can't tell if troll or typical female that friendzones and brushes off all the guys that really like her because she feels like she is just too good for them, constantly looking for someone way out of her league.

What caused you to dislike living? Nobody just wants to die without reason.

op post timestamp or this thread is just another one of the hundreds of dumb larps