Trump is going to punish you liberals for mocking him especially during time of National Crisis

Trump is going to punish you liberals for mocking him especially during time of National Crisis.

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BUMPING FOR THE MAIN PAGE: Trump will enact a series of Executive Orders aimed at Protection of the Presidency and as many as 500 of you could be arrested every day until this stops. You don't MOCK the President leading you out of a Crisis.

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It'd be an honor, like voting apparently.

I thought right wingers loved freedom of speech?

OK that's exactly what I'm talking about:
You could literally serve 6 months to a year in a CIA prison until you recant this "resistance" nonsense and you will also be expected to turn in some of your peers so your sentence can be reduced.

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they just want to be the first in line to suck trumps limp dick

lol this thread sucks stop samefagging op

Take that shit back to Zig Forums this is a spiderman thread now.

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Since when?

Because of Democrat politicization of the Corona Virus, it might in fact be highly likely that Trump doesn't step down as President this January. You don't simply hand the keys over to a new administration during a crisis of this magnitude.

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didn't you just make this same post only with gay nigger porn?

If he refuses to leave, it won't result in anything. The person elected to replace him will still be inaugurated, that person will still sign out veto bills, hold less conferences, and receive reports from all governmental cabinets. Trump will just end up looking like even more of a bitch than he already does. Hopefully he'll lock himself until the oval office, then he can be barricaded in from the other side of the door.

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Yep, it did.

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p-punish me daddy! don't you even look at those liberals!! i'm supposed to be your special little slut!!!

Trumpfag confirmed nigger lover.

Trump sucks tiny kike cock

also, check em

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drink bleach trumptard and go back to Zig Forums storm cuck

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>right wingers
you mean white niggers

How? By forcing them to finally choose a gender?
Raise the taxes on tissues? How?

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that isn't me. You photoshopped tthat in.


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Fuck you. Anybody could copy my post twice and put that abomination on top of it. I am a White Baptist Christian and I assure you I am anti-gay and question how many rights blacks and others really have. That wasn't me.

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This didn't age well.

White Baptist Christians don’t swear.

Fuken rekt

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It's aged incredibly well.

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Look I don't care which liberal arts community college you got your phtotoshop degree in that isn't me, I do not have a folder full of gay nigger faggot porn, you do. This is a ploy to derail a pro-Trump thread because you can't handle we're poised for another 4 years.

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A not so subtle troll that still gets people. Bravo sir.

Trump and his autism kid suck on these nuts

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He will say nigger on live television

>treat me like a king or I'll break more laws!!

I can't believe you faggots still support this whiny, fatass man-child

Trump cheats at golf.

> Trump is going to punish you liberals for mocking him especially during time of National Crisis.
which one? the current national crisis instigated by him? makes sense.

Whatever you say, nigger lover.

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Trump will win because the DNC screwed Bernie (again)

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We don’t need to mock him, he makes a fool of himself with no help needed.

> "I tested very positively in another sense so— this morning. Yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right. So. I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative."

hell yea spider man is the shit. his only flaw is letting his hot gf die like every 5 seconds


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will he is a victim of the deep state, and the democrats, and the press, and the governors, and china, and the courts so you should give him a break.


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Ok Ivan.

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When I find myself
in times of Covid,
Donny Dumpy's on TV,
braying words of wisdom,
"Let it bleed."
Let it bleed.

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Are you talking to your photoshoops again?

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