In just four years Donald Trump has managed to destroy almost every peace treaty it took hundreds of years to work...

In just four years Donald Trump has managed to destroy almost every peace treaty it took hundreds of years to work towards. He destroyed the economy and wrecked the job market millions unemployed and more daily. Clearly his lies are back firing he has no clue what he is doing. America has become worse than a third world country the weakest and most vulnerable it has ever been. Enough is enough.


Strong and unified with better education and better care for a better tomorrow.

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go back to reeeeddit

The nigga was trying to make peace with NK and we haven't had any more wars unlike Obama. Get the fuck outta here faggot.

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Govenors shut down the economy and ended jobs. Saged

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NK Iran and other terrorist nations are ramping up production of nuclear weapons including Russia soon Nuclear war will be on the table and you think Corona lock down is bad you are about to learn the true definition of shelter in place.

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maybe you would hate him less if he drone striked hospital?

He's doing great.

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>peace treaty
>at war for 20 years
>ruled by military industrial complex

ok then

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Maximum edge

Aliens will strike down nukes if they're launched. 100% being honest here. They've already prevented nuclear war and people in the USAF know this.

Also the USAF has been releasing UFO vids to prepare us for future announcements.

For fucks sake youre such a little child. Youre even worse than the christians and their "rapture". Keep your delusional misconceptions to yourself libtard

This guy is the first one to be speaking truth

its wonderful seeing how everyone just knows "their team" would've handled an unprecedented situation with effortless ease. keep dreaming hiveminds

Trump brought in a lot of deregs that helped me become a milliionaire. Voting Trump again 2020

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I mean people are conditioned to think of it as being 'crackpot' but there are so many military intel docs released now talking about this, and both the Navy and Air Force are not hiding it anymore. It's odd people are just like 'meh, aliens, whatever, just give me the new iphone and some prozac.'

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Y'all just can't help yourselves.

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Sounds good.

It’s hilarious how in America the person who exposes the crime is treated as a criminal.

And lets not forget who is really orchestrating it all.

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I never got this one the fucker is the biggest jew loving president we've ever had he wears a yamaka ffs and yet hes beloved by Zig Forums and actual members of the fucking kkk

You fags have not been thinking this through. I think we should all convert to Judaism and then marry a bunch of Jewish girls. Then when we fill them with some goyim kids we slowly corrupt their world from the inside.

>destroy almost every peace treaty
All of them basically screwed over the american people. Why should we care when we have enough nukes to deter any invasion anyways?

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