Did we really stop posting loli threads because of cock posters

did we really stop posting loli threads because of cock posters

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The FBI agents that run Zig Forums use a specific computer for the loli bot, and that machine crashed and won't be back up 'til at least Monday.

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No, is kinda of annoying but tolerable, just keep posting new treads can always be created so the content can continue .

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W javclarence

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the logical explanation

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mmmmm piddle

>You will never have a loli pee in your mouth
Why even live bros?

Good I love when the correct hole is used

follow your dreams user

I must have missed that. Left cos I grew tired of loli, sought other stimuli but I ended up cooming right back. Enlighten me, sire

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as someone who has a little sister irl i just cant imagine anal with a loli, too many complications

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glad youre here user, lolis are great, but personally im a man of many tastes, from lolis to mommys everything (straight) goes

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yes, you did, and you should keep it that way

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oh no what will we do

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so do you guys just raid loli threads or is it just whatever

I don't know, keep posting loli threads, but I'll be there

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Imagine having dicks saved on your hd

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ill be waiting, cock pics dont bother me, and i can respect a good raid

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kys faggot

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honestly, I raid loli threads so I have an excuse to look for the most disgusting and cringeworthy pictures I can find

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This is the millionth loli thread in the past week, so obviously not.

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no, wtf is a cockposter

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Loli anus actually stretches easier than loli vag and if lubed up isn't hard to use. Virgin cunny with a hyman hurts her much more

lol, guys posting cocks in loli threads thinking it does anything

you didn't even notice them, just like most people you're scrolling past and not even noticing rofl

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I recently started studying Pedophilia again after I took a long break from it. I have been studying Pedophilia for 7 years and according to the latest research nothing has changed! According to all the data there has been little to no research done on pedophilia. Many doctors basically admit that they are so disgusted with Pedophilia that they don't even want to study it and the bold doctors that do look into it get scolded by they're colleagues. So either the so called experts on Pedophilia are closed minded or maybe they are hiding a dark secret.

The reason why doctors don't want to understand the causes of pedophilia is because pedophilia isn't a disease it is another sexual orientation. Even the APA at one point in time admitted that pedophilia is a sexual orientation, but unfortunately the government forced the APA to take back that statement. We pedos are the new scapegoats for society to dump it's anger on. Anyway, you can't get rid of us because nature will keep making more of us and you can't cure us because there is nothing wrong with us.

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nah im not a pedo i just like lolis

>Imagine fantasizing about cartoon little girls.
When confronted, you'll say you're not into them.

I'm both.

who would deny liking loli