Why is this the alt right's best proof for white genocide?

Why is this the alt right's best proof for white genocide?

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It isn't.
But, I guess that you have to pretend it is,
because you have no argument against the real ones?

What are the real ones?

The proper word is "cast" in this context.

Attached: Ooga Booga.jpg (266x219, 34.92K)

duh jooz

Owned with facts and logic

>white genocide
there's no such thing

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I'm not white and/or retarded but the best example I could give would be of white farmers getting killed in South Africa and how this is underreported. HOWEVER it doesn't take a genius to connect two and two to realize that those farmers are not getting killed because they are white but rather because they are wealthy and have shit worth killing them for.

1. The destruction of gender roles and familly values.
2. sexual deviancy.
3. a society that focuses purely on capitol, to the point of letting in cheap immigrants flood the western cities.
4. a worthless, painful rat-race of a life with no other cause than monetary.
5. religion and community being thrown away for the sake of instant gratification.
Only one Ideology fixes all of those.

Oh, so a make believe crisis?

Basic statistics show whites will be in the minority in their native countries this century. By the United nations definition that's genocide.

it's not a crisis mate, it's reality.
instead of pinging me with useless arguments can you put on at least some effort into countering them?


perhaps don't vote for politicians who favor business over people. who have kept the minimum wage stagnant for decades. who see you as a consumer rather than a citizen.

>Only one Ideology fixes all of those.

>those farmers are not getting killed because they are white but rather because they are wealthy and have shit worth killing them for

Attached: south-africa_1-777x437.png (777x437, 406.56K)

All mainstream polititians are rotten to the core. You just have to pick your poison.

>1. The destruction of gender roles and familly values.
>2. sexual deviancy.
>5. religion and community being thrown away for the sake of instant gratification.
Only one Ideology fixes all of those.

Still dosen't fix.

Only if its authoritarian, traditionalist communism, it could work, but the prospect of not having food is scary to me.

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Is this exclusive to whites?

Of course not. Dude is just a whiny little narcissistic bitch.

1. The destruction of gender roles and familly values.
2. sexual deviancy.
3. a society that focuses purely on capitol, to the point of letting in cheap immigrants flood the western cities.
4. a worthless, painful rat-race of a life with no other cause than monetary.
5. religion and community being thrown away for the sake of instant gratification.
Only one Ideology fixes all of those.

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this isn't exclusive to whites polfag

I hate how people view this Judith Butler movement as the "destruction of gender roles". Contemporary is a social construct retard. Your founding fathers wore makeup and powdered white wigs, now if you do that you're looked at as a faggot. Gender roles literally change all the time.



>I'm not having a kid, nobody I know is having a kid, even the ones who want to can't afford to do everything they think they're supposed to in raising a kid
>other races just shit kids out with no thought put into it, beating them if they get out of line

The closest any of my non-white friends got to a deep talk with their parents was one or two sentences about why they were getting belted *this* time. Non-whites beat the shit out of their kids, non-whites also do not actually give a fuck what happens to a child because they can, and inevitably will, have another as soon as possible. There is a solution to this that doesn't involve social studies and I hope we use it.

>water flowing under ground

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As a minority I usually dislike whites, but at the same time I know we need them to keep the world running.

a tan suit! get my fainting couch!

He clearly meant islam