How does Zig Forums like their steaks?

How does Zig Forums like their steaks?
Medium-well or Well-done?
Also I think we can all agree that ketchup >>> A1 sauce

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I like a good blue steak 20 seconds each side on a very hot cooking plate

This right here. Tastes like buttery, juicy, delicious flesh that our ancestors died for.

Maybe one day i can afford to go to a nice steakhouse and eat a blue rare. But for now I'm too sketch about the quality of meat

As long as it's a real cut of beef you will be fine. The parasites in beef can't get much deeper than the surface, which is why it's perfectly safe to eat without being well done, whereas meatballs and burgers aren't because they've been mixed up.

fucking disgusting

well done with steak sauce for me

this faggot sits down to take a piss

Fucking faggot

Even this guy is less of a homosexual

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Filet Mignon, lean as can be, medium well with a good steak house rub like the one Delmonico does and butter.

>Work at a high end steakhouse in LA
Between Medium Rare and Rare+ is the way to go
>lobster mashed potatoes
>brussel sprouts

Medium Rare

Med rare, kosher salt.

>brussel sprouts
Sauted in butter with bacon and onions, right user?

rare usually

obvious bait but

medium, I like the less cooked taste but I don't like the under-cooked texture

brussel sprouts are the work of satan

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this faggot sits down to take my piss

nah, gotta grill them and put balsalmic on em with bacon crumbs

medium, without ketchup or other sauce
just some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers

+ marinaded onions are nice

You clearly haven't had brussel sprouts made right then. Cut them in half, olive oil, grill or broil them until you get their flat side slightly charred, and they'll be delicious.

I like crisp cooked asparagus spears.
That way when you shoot a load in you girl's mouth later on she wretches like a sick dog...

i know this is bait, but people legit order their steaks well done then ask for ketchup.

though to be fair I think alot of steak sauces suck ass and really a good ketchup can easily be a better choice then many of them

also some people have I think this idea that steak sauces are somehow higher class then ketchup and its like, no, they are just cheap condiment slurry for the most part

what spices user? asparagus season in MI

if its good steak it just needs a good rub.

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16oz Ribeye mid rare with sauteed onions and mushrooms... Side is a crispy skin Idaho baked potato with sour cream and butter... Also ill take a 16oz glass of 2% milk.

Ohhhh No greens? You mean what my dinner eats? No thanks faggot.

Medium rare. You shouldn't really need a sauce, but classic peppercorn is good. Ketchup is for dicks

I can only eat my steak well done. I just like getting things as burned as possible.

Medium, also I kindly disagree with ketchup

I prefer the meat well done. (with the exception of one or two types of meat, like goose)
Though I hate ketchup overall.

weak bait, 1/12, made me reply.

Best steak I ever had was at Jeff Ruby's. I have been to the Nashville as well as Cincinnati and Columbus Oh locations and all 3 locations cook steak to perfection.

I prefer med rare. Ive eaten steaks so rare that they were still cold and purple in the middle. Im not a ketchup guy. A1 yes I like it on potatoes too.

I like it medium. No dipping sauce or gravy needed. Just some salt & pepper is all you need for a good piece of steak.