stfu nigger nobody owes you shit
Stfu nigger nobody owes you shit
who are they going to pay reparations to? do the black tribes that sold other enslaved africans owe reparations then also?
Although I don't agree with her statement, I feel that we could have paid back reparations...just not as cash handouts cause God knows they'd spend it on Smart TVs but rather on programs meants to help educate and train black ppl to be productive members of society.
Your ancestors were slaves, not you
Not that many people even owned slaves when you're looking at the whole country, so why should all of modern America be responsible?
Lol you're a waste of space. Say it to their face or don't at all pussy
Ashamed to be white cause of bitches like you.
>ashamed to be white
you can always kill yourself, literally no one would miss you, not even the niggers you seem to care about
You're bitching on the internet instead of in real life cause you're a scared little man. You couldn't handle a real man ruining your shit so you stay in your mom's basement posting hate threads on Zig Forums dot com. What a sad miserable life.
fuck off white apologist cuck
I totally support reparations. Anyone who was legally enslaved in the United States deserves them.
What's that you say? The last former slave died in 1948? Then I guess we don't owe anyone anything.
yes, but that makes you racist.
>What's that you say? The last former slave died in 1948?
Thats why we track down their families and pay them.
Their families were not enslaved.
I would love if they did it, but exclude all blacks that can't prove their lineage back to (American) slaves. Caribbean and other blacks in America would go CRAZY. It would be worth it for all the drama.
a screencap can't see your racist response, idiot.
Stfu you cumskin peice of shit pussy
You prob shake with fear everytime you see one of us. Little bitch
My nigga
Why should we pay people money for things that didn't affect them personally?
Lot of assumptions here, the anonymity let's me speak my true mind. Like that you're a fucking race traitor and should drink bleach.
the irony of reparations is that your average black is way more likely to be descended from a slave owner than your average white
you guys should steal a TV or smoke crack together
Because if you don't you're racist...
Meh, I'm okay with that. We're all racist.
but seriously, there is no reason to them no matter what we do it's racist.
If we even did pay them they would still claim racism.
dont you guys get a headache from talking about this everyday ESPECIALLY ON Zig Forums
You track them down and pay them. If my tax dollars go to that shit. I'll make sure I get paid back one way or another.
It's not so much talking as it is screeching at one another. Civil conversations are rare here.
I would support one off reparations in place of welfare. Would be fun watching them waste it on gold teef and sweatshop sneakers then starve to death in their great african tradition.
What do these reparations niggers want as payment? Is money going to erase their history? They're asking for money because they're just niggers, aren't they.
The thing is even if we give our money to the nig nogs it will never be enough. They will just go on to the next thing to bitch about.
Also, what makes the current ancestor so special? Why doesn't ancestors a decade down the road deserve their raparaySHHUNz money? Where exactly would it end? It won't.
Exactly, no amount of money will ever stop them from bitching about slavery/civil rights so why pay anything
Not to mention they would some how literally call us racists for paying them.
>$1,200 in 2020 is the same as $1,200 in 1860
Do niggers really?
The Kikes and Africans that brought and sold them can pay their share first.
How about them apples?
How much did they want in reparations anyway? Each person.
Techoisnt what’s killing families. It’s drugs. Plain and simple. Nobody cares any more. The old days are gone and we are all poor except well... you know who. The elite. Uncle Sam is a good man.
1.4k just to step ,, 40k rolly * teeth next ,, no stimulus needed
Are the apples gluten free?
White man wasn’t born to feed your nigger children and your gangs. Go to your gang boss for money lazy fucks.
white man was born to feed corporations
Which the white man won’t give up to nigger gang bosses. Wanna play nazi with the white man for political rights? Fine. Have fun watching your bosses hang.
Pretty sure the hand out will be going strong for another centennial... Affirmative action is their free elevator... If they're too busy being niggers to see that free ride for reading books its not just their parents fault for being low class zero effort NIGGERS.