Do you feel bad after you jerk off to your female friends?

do you feel bad after you jerk off to your female friends?
or do you find it hot the next time you see them?

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It's weird to jerk to your friends, you should know that. :| x

It gets me even harder knowing that I can just jerk off to them and they'd never know the massive load I let out.

I don't have any friends, loser

Usually guilt.

But one time, I had a fight with one of them and I later jerked off to her. It was one of the best orgasms I've had

ever try and feed them your cum? steal their underwear? send them anonymous dick pics?

I always feel bad when I jerk it to her. She's a beautiful woman and a beautiful soul and doesn't deserve abuse.

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why was it so good user

Suddenly, I didn't feel guilty. She was a bitch to me and I've always thought she was extremely bangable so when that barrier fell off, it felt amazing to cum for her.

don't you want a platonic fuck buddy user?

ever make a move?

No, but when theyd give me hugs id rub my unwashed hand on them if I could. Thought of stealing underwear, but been too pussy to actually do it. And nah, i've mostly just kept it to myself

My friends girlfriend is my good friend, and she is always talking about setting me up with one of her friends. She thinks there's something wrong with me because I'm a 26 year old virgin, but honestly there's nothing wrong with that. I'm in no hurry to just lose my virginity to anyone, it has to be someone I genuinely enjoy being around.

I wanted to get with her years ago but she ended up shacking it up with one of my friends and now they have kids so I mean, good for them

Totally. I still love her.

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Yup, I tried. I had a chance but for several reasons, I couldn't pursue.

I did see her naked eventually though.

in person or a pic?

naked how?

Honestly, yeah. An ex best friend and I were absolutely close (we became friends again after we sorted things out, but we aren't as close) she sent me some progress pics and I'm not gonna lie; i busted a nut to them a few times. No i wont post them

I personally think most sex is overrated anyway user

Been jerking off to my best friend's girlfriend past few months. She's also my friend. Usually feel guilty as hell as soon as I cum. I'd feel bad for him if she cheated on him and even worse if I was the reason. That said, I'm still going to smash one out to her later.

Nudes. She was my partner in an university project and she lent me her hard drive. Saw her in very nice positions.

progress pics? How much did she show?

nice. save em?

I find it a bit annoying how intrusive she is over my sex life. She thinks there's something wrong with me and wants to shack me up with one of her escort friends for the night but I honestly only ever entertain the idea when I'm drunk.

I feel like my first time should be on my own terms, not on hers.

Yup but I won't post.

I have another friend, who I still talk to, that I am sure would probably send nudes to me, though. Do you think I should give it a shot?

I knew I had a problem the one time I was at a small get together and as it was dying down, I realized that I've jerked and came to every woman that was still there.

Isn't she lovely?
She is the woman of my dreams. I can never have her though.

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that picture was taken with a blackberry basically. She must have kids already

I don’t really think about it. Immediately after cumming I feel bad, but when I see her it doesn’t cross my mind.

You shouldn't jerk off at all, friend.

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depends on if shit would get weird between you, and if you care about that. if not, go for it

Saw her baked but didn’t bang her? What happened, you peaked on her while she was showering?

True. You should make clear to her that she should shut up about this topic. Either by herself or by her sucking your cock.

Yes. Shes 42 now.

I jerk off to all my friends and I don’t feel bad one bit

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That's why I haven't done it but I think I could get it without being a perv. I'd have to be smart about it.